Why do we have and keep so many stuffed animals to start with? It turns out, this is exactly the right question to be asking as we strive to balance the need to declutter and downsize these fluffy collections and protect our mental health.
In a recent decluttering spree with my daughter, I found myself unexpectedly sentimental over so many stuffed animals that she was ready to part with because I not only remembered when and from whom she got each, but I could picture her toting them around with her, cuddling them on car trips and during naps, and setting them up to play school.
My conversations with my daughter about these stuffed toys all went something like this:
Me: You don’t want kitty?
My kid: No, she’s really big.
Me: But you and your cousin each got one together when we went to Disney. You insisted they watch the fireworks with you.
My kid: I don’t remember.
Me: O-kay. [Into the donation bag it goes.]
Imagine my surprise when trying to pick some of the stuffed animals to rehome and donate that I learned about a series of studies, first published back in 2014 in the journal Psychological Science by researchers at VU University Amsterdam that touched on my stuffed animal dilemma. “These toys are more than toys,” I consoled myself.
What Research Tells Us About Stuffed Toys
The research team at VU University Amsterdam investigated how interpersonal touch, including holding a teddy bear, influenced self-esteem in those who are more prone to depression and anxiety. And these are certainly anxious times in the world for us all with global pandemics, extreme weather, and a sea change in the US education system to name a few culprits.
like the Care Bears, popular in the 1980s.
I mean, what’s the alternative when you’re on your own? Snuggling up to a digital device? Or, as in the researchers’ study, a cardboard box? We didn’t think so.
We’re sharing this in hopes you go easy on yourself and your kids when you’re feeling overwhelmed by so much stuff, including stuffed animals. Stuffed toys can play an important role in how we relate to the world and cope with whatever it throws at us.

Some bunnies in this little girl’s collection made the cut, others did not. First, she Artifcted them.
Bonus! Want to learn more about the science of stuffed toys?
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