Spring has sprung and our closets are ready to spring forth as well. Clothing has a sneaky way of taking up space in our hearts AND in our closets, which is why this year we’re offering up some tips and tricks for spring cleaning dedicated to clothing and accessories.
Our expert tip on all things clothing? Artifct it, of course, and include a photo of you wearing it back in the day, if possible, to help you keep the memories, while you let go of the items you haven’t worn in years, if not decades.
But Artifcting is not the be all, end all. Are you ready to free up closet space? Let’s get started!
Seasonal Items
As you get ready to put your winter clothing into storage and take out your spring essentials consider what you actually wore this past winter and what you kept, thinking you WOULD wear.
In our household we make two piles—the “yes, I wore it” pile, and the “nope, never touched it pile.” We then take a hard look at that second pile to determine the reason WHY we never wore it. Was it not cold enough this winter? Does the item no longer fit? If the answer is yes to the latter, we consider who else might need or want it (nieces, nephews, etc.) or we pick our favorite charity to donate the item.
We also take a hard look at winter gear that has stood the test of time for years (if not decades!) but may be on its way out. I broke down in tears this year over my husband’s beloved Patagonia down jacket. The memories, the adventures! However, it was hard to ignore the feathers seeping out of every seam. I found myself having to vacuum after every wear. We took it back to Patagonia hoping they’d be able to repair it as part of their Worn Wear program, but alas, it was beyond repair. We agreed to let Patagonia recycle the jacket although not before Artifcting it!
Remember when we used to get dressed up EVERY day and go into the office? The actual office. Not just our home office. Although memories fade, the clothing lingering in our closet(s) serves as a constant reminder of, “Oh yeah, I used to actually wear that stuff.”
This year I took a hard look at our professional clothes to determine what has a realistic chance of being worn again, and what can be relegated to the “life before COVID” bin (aka donation bin). We donate most professional clothing items to Dress for Success and sell a handful of items with TheRealReal. It’s amazing the closet space and hangers we regained this year when we were realistic about what we would wear post-COVID.
I admit there were some items I was reluctant to let go of because of the memories. My first pair of heels and my favorite ballet flats fell into this category. Both had been worn past any useful lifespan and yet, I didn’t want to let go. So, what’s a girl to do? You guessed it, I Artifcted them. And then I felt a little less guilty getting rid of them. Artifcts enabled me to keep the memories and let go of the actual ‘stuff.’
They grow so fast! My daughter’s closet is a ready target when it comes to spring cleaning. She’s now old enough to help with the process, and she knows once the items are donated she gets to pick out replacement items that fit. Extra motivation! And even together time since she’s now at the age when she loves to shop.
We usually donate the clothing she has outgrown to our local Goodwill store, although there are some items she’ll ask to keep and repurpose. She stunned us one year when she repurposed her old ballet tutu into a modern work of art!
Yes, they deserve their own category. My dear husband has a way of coming home from every trip, conference, and work event with another t-shirt. We’ve relegated his t-shirt collection to one drawer and one under-the-bed bin. And yet. There are so many!
Although this go-around with spring cleaning most of his t-shirts were spared. Why? Because he wears them, all of them.
I, however, discovered that I had been holding on to a t-shirt in MY t-shirt bin that I hadn’t even worn. Not once. I was getting ready to Artifct it (and include photos and video of the event) when our youngest swooped in to claim it for herself. Being two sizes too big, it was declared “tres, tres chic.” Success! T-shirt re-homed. We often joke here at Artifcts that the best vintage shop in the world is probably Grandma’s closet! (Or in this case, my closet!)
Like t-shirts, accessories tend to multiply like bunnies at least in our household. Hats, socks, and re-usable bags tend to be the worst offenders. Companies love to gift accessories as promotional materials, and most members of my household LOVE to accept those gifts. You see where this is going.
We have a bin dedicated solely to reusable bags, and another to hats. I took a hard look at both this past month and lovingly put out for free a dozen reusable bags and a half dozen hats. Much to my delight they were picked up within minutes of setting them out.
On a roll? If you need some donation ideas outside the usual, check out the clothing section of Going Green. With Artifcts.
Today we’re excited to share a trio of new Artifcts features with you.
Over the course of eight in-person conferences during 2024 and approximately 80 hours of interviews, we discovered ways to fine tune your Artifcting experience to support you even more both during and after you’ve created those Artifcts.
As always, we placed ease-of-use and privacy at the heart of each new feature.
Thank you for being a part fo the Artifcts journey. Let’s explore the latest from Artifcts!
Private Notes
As it turns out, sometimes you want to share your Artifcts with others, but you want to include details in your Artifcts that you’d prefer to keep to yourself. So, what’s one to do?
Now at Artifcts you have an optional field titled, 'Private notes.' It’s exactly as it sounds. Whatever you type there will not be visible to others if you share the Artifct. The exception of course is if you give someone “Full Control” over your Artifct (versus the default “View” access or other “Edit” access).
This new field is on the “Full form” when you create or edit Artifcts, directly after the “Story or Description,” making it a natural extension of what you have to say about anything you Artifct.
Customizable Reports
It was professionals in appraising and estate management who first approached us about downloading customized reports on Artifcts. Later, this request was seconded by professional home organizers and move managers. Finally, individuals, several of whom were working on their wills, asked for the same.
Now you can create custom reports, no matter your “why.” When you click 'Download,' you’ll be prompted to select the fields and related files you want to download, too, ensuring you can download only the information you need, when you need it.
As shown below, we’ve simplified matters by choosing the Artifct title and description by default, offering a "Select all" option, and reducing your download size by allowing you to exclude photos, videos, and documentation when you do not need them.
Artifcts Up Next Report
We consider this saving the best for last: the new Artifcts Up Next report.
The truth of the matter is that at the end of the day, digitizing the stories and financial value by creating Artifcts addresses one set of needs, but you still must deal with the physical stuff in the room, sorting it and often re-homing it, too.
When you Artifct, there’s just one optional field we show you on the 'Quick form' because we think it’s that important. It’s called 'In the future.' As the name suggests, we urge you to consider what’s next for everything you Artifct. Your options are:
Sell. You can even set a custom reminder and Artifcts will email you.
Bequeath. Adding details to whom is optional.
Donate. Here, too, adding details is optional.
Keep in the family. We hope your “Description or story” offers a compelling reason.
As you wish. Meaning, “I won’t haunt you. Don’t keep it in storage for the next 30 years on my account.”
It’s too late. Enjoy the memories. I already got rid of it. Do not go looking for it.
When you download the new Artifcts Up Next report, it will give you a checklist of all your Artifcts, sorted by the ‘In the Future’ category. You can then work through the list yourself, with family, or with an organizing, estate, or move management professional to get the ‘stuff’ where it needs to go next.
This is just a snapshot of a sample report, showing the Bequeathed section, guideline, and the type of Artifct information you'd find listed.
We have an open door!
Is there something you wish Artifcts could do or help you with? Is there a feature driving you a bit crazy or confusing you in any way? You can write us a Support@Artifcts.com. And be sure to catch up on past product updates, too!
Helpful resources as you get started and continue enjoying Artifcting:
If you want to elevate an item to heirloom status, Webster’s dictionary says pass it down, generation after generation.
But solidifying an object’s place in your family history requires a little more tender loving care than that alone.
For every heirloom, we recommend you:
Preserve essential facts. What is it? How did you come to possess it? And closely related, where did it come from? Which side of the family?
Be specific. Why should anyone care about this object? The why is critical. Why does it matter to you and your family?
Create awareness that this object even exists. If you’ve tucked it away or added it to a shelf or cabinet, never pausing to share its origin or story, no one will be able to raise their hand to say, “Yes, I want this” when the time comes to pass it down. Instead, it will easily slide into the discard pile.
These points all build up to a key conclusion: You need a story for the heirloom.
Your story might be a poignant 5 words, “My father gave me this.” And knowing you, and that your father passed away when you were only 9 years old, your family understands a lot in those 5 words.
Or your story may be much longer and follow a beginning-middle-end story arc, pulling in the reader as you evoke in them the emotional or sentimental value and appreciation for the item that you feel.
Here are two very different examples of family heirlooms and their stories, one a traditional family heirloom, the other a modern heirloom, an object acquired now that the owner hopes will last for generations more.
The knitting needles with no story
Elizabeth is a passionate genealogist. Her globetrotting, history and life loving self has seen a lot and collected even more. While her home and the mementos within may be a living testament to her fascinating life, she is also a family keeper.
Despite being a genealogist, she’s inherited heirlooms without necessarily giving much thought to their origins or their futures.
Case in a point: her beloved knitting needles. Elizabeth brought her knitting needles to an Arti Afternoon, an event with one of the founders of Artifcts during which participants share items show and tell style. Elizabeth volunteered to go first.
“I brought these, because I love them, but they don’t really have a story.”
Our co-founder Ellen nodded, encouragingly. “Objects don’t have to have deep stories to share them and Artifct them. It’s enough to let your family know you love them and what you want to do with them one day. But I have a question: What are those?”
You see, Ellen didn’t even know what the objects were that Elizabeth was holding.
With a startled laugh, Elizabeth replied, “Oh, they are knitting needles.”
“Knitting needles?” Ellen said with a questioning look.
“Yes. They’re made of whale bone.”
“Whale bone,” repeated Ellen, thinking to herself she was starting to sound like an echo.
“Yes, my Yankee grandmother lived in Connecticut and was an accomplished knitter. Hers was a whaling village. I’ve had family in that area since the early 1600s.” Elizabeth went on, “I love how the needles feel in my hands, so much nicer than plastic.”
With a smile, Ellen turned to the group, “Who here thinks these needles have no story?”
Smiles and laughs returned all around. These needles have a great story and are a sweet family heirloom and dose of national history all in one.
A 50-year-old Yugoslavian stool
From the Artifcts collection of our co-founder Ellen Goodwin.
You know the stools that students used to sit on back in the day - four fixed metal legs, a circular wooden top that spins? Picture them in a chemistry lab. Picture them in Yugoslavia, built from iron and native oak, handmade, and in the "brutalist style."
What style is that, you ask? You know brutalist style from many government buildings in the US, your travels through Eastern Europe and the former states of the USSR, and the movies. Think large cement minimalist buildings, the opposite of beautiful aesthetics. If you have a home with a lot of personality already, a splash of simplicity in the "brutalist" fashion may be just what you need. Or at least that’s how I think of it.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that's the case here. I think it’s more fun to sit on a stool with history than a modern, lighter weight, less durable replica or alternative. You get to feel connected to another time and culture. That's what the stool means to me, a collector who is curating my home to feel uniquely us.
And if you think it’s strange to fixate on the charm or design of a stool, blame my mom. She had this really cool antique stool in a corner that always had one type of draping plant or another perched on it. I wanted something like that, that felt homey and less ordinary, I guess.
And that makes this 1970s Yugoslavian creation a keeper. Will my daughter want it ever in her home, transforming it into a modern family heirloom? Maybe. For now, it’s a stool with a story that Mom picked out.
(By the way, the fact that the company reselling the stool has an icon that's a laughing grandma smoking a cigarette amuses as much as mystifies me. And that, friends, adds further charm to my 50-year-old Yugoslavian stool.)
Ready to tell the stories of your heirlooms?
If you need some prompts to get started telling the stories of your heirlooms, we always recommend what author Jeff Greenwald taught us: Start with something true.
In the story of the knitting needles, simply answering “What is it?” was enough to unravel a story that the owner had never recognized was there all along. And now, with the story known and Artifcted, it’s exponentially more likely those needles will stay in the family.
When creating an Artifct, click the lightbulb icon in the story/description field to get other prompts and our downloadable worksheet.
Here are some other tried and true heirloom storytelling prompts from genealogist and author Deborah Holman:
The first time I saw this object, I felt ________.
This object reminds me of ________.
If this object could talk, it would say ________.
This heirloom is important because ________.
And we have a special bonus for you. Deborah has shared with the Arti Community her Heirloom Storytelling Worksheet. Download it free now.
If you want to simplify your life and maybe enjoy some of the reported benefits of a minimalist lifestyle without adopting a minimalist lifestyle, you may be asking yourself (or Google): “Where do I start?”
Inspired by an article from the LA Times published in March 2024 in which professional organizer Regina Lark claimed that the average US household has 300,000 items, we thought the easiest place for some to start is there – with the excess, the unused, the damaged, the forgotten, the just-in-case from 20 years ago. We think this approach is valid even if in all likelihood your home, like ours, has far fewer than 300,000 items inside.
The relevant point is finding simplicity in less. From the clutter and chaos, you can gain clarity as to what 'stuff' matters to you, a theme near and dear to us here at Artifcts. You can reduce time-consuming decisions you make every day, too. If you have 5 pairs of pants to choose from, how hard can it be for you or your kids to get dressed in the morning? And just maybe you’ll also stop yourself from spending money on things you already own but can’t find, like items number 78 and 83 in our list below.
We invite you to take a stroll around your home with this wildly varied home decluttering list to see where you find opportunities to simplify by reducing the volume of stuff that’s claimed a place in those drawers, closets, and shelves. Here and there we’ve added some commentary where we simply couldn’t resist. Like anything, decluttering takes practice, like building up a muscle. Enjoy, and good luck!
If you’re looking for a Decluttering or a Collections Checklist from Artifcts—or any of our dozens of additional checklists—to inspire you as you also seek to capture the stories, CLICK THE IMAGE. Our checklists are free to download with a free Artifcts.com account.
108 Objects to Declutter from Your Home
Why 108 objects? Author Jeff Greenwald, in his book 108 Beloved Objects: Letting Go of Stuff, Keeping Our Stories, explains, “The number is deeply significant in Eastern spiritual practice, and beyond… the number of prayer beads on a malla (a Buddhist rosary), the number of yoga postures in a full cycle,” and so on. Because of the deep global resonance of this number and the efforts here at Artifcts to help change our relationships with our ‘stuff’ and each other, we think 108 is the perfect number for our decluttering list.
Enjoy some story telling from Jeff Greenwald, who shared with us some of his 108 beloved objects.
We’re breaking away from a room-by-room approach with our list. In doing so, we hope to unleash creative and unexpected freeform association of items that might help you declutter items that did not make the list or have been very much “out of sight, out of mind.”
Ready? Here we go!
1. Lightbulbs – You don’t even have a socket for that one anymore!
2. Boxes, the cardboard variety; and no, it doesn’t matter if it’s a “really nice box”
3. Bins, the plastic kind this time
4. Rugs
5. Fidget gadgets
6. Suitcases – If your kid isn't even a teen yet, and you think they are packing up for college in those, reconsider how else you could use the space.
7. Picture frames
8. User manuals
9. Candles
Candles are wickedly easy to accumulate because they are easy to gift and even available in end caps at grocery stores!
10. Cookbooks
11. Party decorations
12. Pens and markers – Do they work? How many 100s do you need?
13. Remotes from gadgets you no longer own
14. Pots for plants
15. Decorative pillows – Well, maybe keep the pillow, rehome the case?
16. Baseball hats
17. Pads of paper / notebooks
18. Cleaning supplies and tools
19. Retired and retirement-ready linens
20. Bottle openers
21. Koozies
22. T-shirts and sweatshirts
23. Chapsticks
24. Coasters
25. Glassware
26. Scrunchies – If you know, you know.
27. Old sports equipment
28. Ice packs
29. Rubber bands – Beyond the fun aesthetics of a rubber band ball, how many do you need? And you know they will become brittle and break.
30. Shorts (or other clothing) long out of style, stained, or otherwise in disrepair
31. Belts
32. Coins – Cash it in!
33. Musical instrument lesson books
34. Fine silver, you never use
35. Fine china, you also never use
36. Pottery
38. Greeting cards
39. Business cards, too
40. Rechargeable batteries, because they stopped holding a charge
41. Regular batteries in sizes you haven't used in decades
42. Foam rollers and massage devices
43. Coffee making apparatus, including pods that are long-since stale
44. Coffee mugs
45. Hygiene products (spares and expired, from consumables like cosmetics to tools like toothbrushes, hairbrushes, and combs)
46. Socks
A friend of Artifcts kindly shared this picture. Can you relate to her dilemma?
47. Keys
48. Craft supplies, the should’ve, would’ve, could’ve never started, unfinished or dried up
49. Handbags
50. Fishing tackle
51. Nail polish
52. Aprons
53. Magazines and pages torn from them
54. Dog toys
55. Pet beds
56. Lamps
57. Baby blankets
58. Spare buttons and thread
59. Kitchen appliances you never use and utensils, too – What’s jamming that drawer?
60. Spices, so old they may not poison you but they certainly won’t add the flavor you’re expecting
61. Travel-sized everything
62. School report cards – Scan and Artifct them first!
63. Awards, professional and childhood
64. Games and/or pieces left from them
65. Take-out containers and utensils
66. Blankets
67. Stuffed animals
CLICK THE IMAGE to read about why you should declutter stuffed animals with care, according to research.
68. Boxes of tea – Added to this list, with love, on request of both of the husbands of the cofounders of Artifcts.
69. Holiday stuff, the one off, the past it's prime, the "when did we celebrate that?"
70. Kid artwork
71. Magnets
72. Unmatched socks
73. Décor
74. VHS and cassette tapes – Say it with us: digitize, digitize, digitize.
76. Miscellaneous home repair and renovation materials (tiles, bricks, etc.)
77. Books
78. Blenders – True story, our cofounder Heather found SIX of them at her dad’s house.
79. Record player
80. Reusable shopping bags
81. Plastic shopping bags
82. Costumes
83. Reusable water bottles
84. Windshield wipers, for the car you don’t even own anymore
85. Vases
Collections can take on a life of their own. What's in yours? One of these vases pictured is not like the others. Take your guess, and then click here for the answer on Artifcts.
86. Watches
87. Travel pillows
88. Gift bags
89. Costume jewelry
90. Placemats, tablecloths, and chargers
91. Extension cords - Who are you, Clark Griswald?
92. Eyeglasses
93. Old computers
94. Postcards
95. Cutting boards
96. Key chains
97. Dried (and dusty) flora
98. Membership cards
99. Cameras
100. Cords, cables, and chargers
CLICK THE IMAGE for more tech inspiration from our Tech Detox checklist.
101. Swag from your employer
102. Paint
103. Travel mementos from who-remembers-where
104. Sunglasses
105. Cake pans of all varieties
106. Shoes
107. Covid-era face masks
108. Ticket stubs, playbills, brochures – ephemera of life
Your reward for reading all 108 is this free download to take with you around the house. As always, if you’re having trouble letting go, "Artifct that!" to keep the memories. You can download our DIY checklist to jot down all the items you want to Artifct as you declutter, too.
And please remember to recycle, upcycle, rehome! Download Artifcts' Going Green guides to inspire and support you. Depending on where you live, you may have a reuse center where you can donate goods in addition to traditional charities.
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