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Exclusive articles, interviews, and insights covering downsizing & decluttering, genealogy, photos and other media, aging well, travel, and more. We’re here to help you capture the big little moments and stories to bring meaning and order to all of life’s collections and memories for generations.
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My Cabinet of Curiosities

The following story is based on a true story shared with us by a member of the Arti Community. We’ve altered some details to protect their privacy. We hope their experience helps you feel less alone in the tough choices you make as times change, your way of life changes, and who you live that life with changes, too.


When my father passed away, my mother was truly on her own. But she was not physically or mentally healthy enough to live on her own. My parents had been married for 63 years. Solitude and independence were foreign to her. I know that in many families the open question in this scenario is, “Who will take care of Mom?” If that’s the story you are expecting, you can stop here. That is not our story.

For my family, when it came time to settle the estate, my siblings and I sat down together in our childhood living room and spoke very frankly. All in our 60s and 70s, we knew our own minds and we knew each other well enough to hash it out together fairly quickly.

My brother said he wanted the house. He had no desire to leave the local area, so taking over the family home was his top wish.

My sister wanted my mom. You read that right. Her one request was that Mom move in with her so she could take care of her and ensure she had constant familiarity and companionship. This suited Mom perfectly, and so she moved into my sister’s home where she spent the final 10 years of her life.

Are you now wondering what it was I wanted? One thing: a cabinet that had sat in our family’s living room for as long as I can remember and surely longer. It contained the most glorious accumulation of ‘stuff.’

As a child, I wanted nothing more than to open the doors and explore all the knickknacks inside. I’d ask my mom about everything, driving her crazy as she was trying to get on with other tasks around the house. To me, a burnt casserole in the oven was just fine if I got to hear the story of Grandma’s crystal bowl one more time. 

The Cabinet of Curiosity Lives On

This cabinet of curiosities now sits in my home, filled with some heirlooms from my mother and my grandparents too. But over the years it has taken on the personality, interests, and lives of me, my husband, our children, and our grandchildren. It’s filled with stories, stories we tell as often as we may. The reality is, we have so little time together with our family that I don’t think there will ever be enough time to share them all. 

When I use the dishes and glasses, I think of the relatives who owned them. For example, one of my dear mother-in-law’s beautiful wine glasses has a nick on the edge. When I wash and dry the glass, and feel the edge, and I remember how she dearly loved her family despite our flaws. 

We have a silver bowl awarded to my husband for outstanding geological research, always in need of a polish, and seldom out on display (shame on us!).

Woman's hands holding an engraved silver bowl

Buried among the crystal pieces you’ll find a decanter we bought in Prague in 2012. It’s leaded crystal, so we couldn’t actually store the port we'd drink in it. We needed to decant only what we intended to drink. And, with that level of practicality, can you really blame us for letting it fall into disuse?

We also have the baking dish that Grandpa Art used for his freshly caught fish. And two glasses that our wonderful Uncle Lawrence and his friend created as they practiced their glass etching skills. Oh, and the vases from our travels in China. I’ll stop there, because it truly is my cabinet of curiosities.

Various items inside the cabinet

My hope for you all is that you will discover the joy that is Artifcts. There are stories I want shared with my immediate family only. Other stories are for my siblings, my church friends, and others. Artifcts offers me a safe place to record and share them. 

Artifcts has become a lovely addition to my day, sitting down to create a few Artifcts, reflecting on my life, sharing with loved ones, and feeling like I’ve done my bit to ensure my family’s history is passed on. I know one day I’ll leave behind a cabinet of curiosities and memories to cherish.


We know that maybe your story is not about a cabinet. Maybe your story and the messy memories of lives lived are decorating your shelves, packed away in boxes, or adorning every square inch of your home.

Whatever it is you collect, whatever items you choose to hold onto, do yourself, your stories, and your loved ones a favor, and record what these things mean to you. You may be surprised by the fun you’ll have in the sharing and telling, too!


© 2025 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Bonus Epilogue: Do You Know What You Own?

After publishing last week’s ARTIcles story with tips for decluttering that we learned from people who have moved and/or downsized, we were inundated by “That’s me!” responses. Most people who wrote to us pointed to this line in the story:

A professional home organizer told me recently that her clients get tripped up when decluttering and organizing a space because they have forgotten what was even in it.

Apparently, many of us can relate. We don’t even know what we own. Our co-founder Ellen said as much in the ARTIcles story, We All Deserve a Purple Bin, confessing that, in general, she does not know what's in it, could not quantify the loss if it was destroyed, but acknowledging she'd feel the loss. A messy purple bin of memories.
And no doubt you realize, the process to get reimbursed for any loss is longer and less likely a positive outcome without records to back you up. 
So, what is the answer? Let's explore options.


Take a Step Forward and Lean In On Digital, If Possible

(Yes, we beg you. Step back from relying on binders and bins.) 
Like everything in life, it depends on what it is and why you’re asking. The key really is do something, anything, that will take you one step forward. Our favorite advice to date: 

We’ve talked before about strategies “they” use to get you to buy more. Truly, pausing before purchasing helps.

When you go grocery shopping, you check the pantry to confirm what you need to buy for your recipes, right? This is the answer for some types of stuff. Picture frames are a prime example. How many times have you stashed one away as you made room for something, changed up the layout of a shelf or wall, or never had space for it to begin with? You probably have an accumulation of them waiting to be put to use. 

Literally, empty the box/drawer/shelf/bin of ‘stuff,’ sort through it, put back in what belongs and rehome what does not. This is also a great prevention technique for what we call "declutter rage" and the remorse that can follow.

definition from Artifcts for declutter rage


You should have online access—or be able to also request a report—from your insurance agent and lawyer (who helps with your will, trust, and/or estate plan), to confirm what items you’ve itemized on your policy or in a tangible asset memorandum. Is some object of sentimental value or financial value missing? Maybe you bought something new or simply forgot some items? 

Despite an abundance of inventory apps on the market, fewer than 50% of people surveyed by the Insurance Information Institute said they have a home inventory. And yet when you are looking at natural catastrophes and household disasters, a complete home inventory is your best bet for replacement, including when you bought it, for how much, and the serial number.

Most inventory apps—including from the National Assoc. of Insurance Commissioners—support adding video of your home and/or using AI to itemize your belongings so you have at least a baseline reference as to what you own. Make sure you go into those drawers, cabinets, closets, etc., too. And if you start with a printed checklist—here's one of many free examples—we beg you to digitize a copy and submit it to your insurance, too.  
Do your homework before you inventory anything! Some inventory apps are more than an inventory, which may actually be just what you need. For example, Fair Split offers a means to divide up estates when a loved one passes away. 

Artifcts is clearly the best tool for capturing items that you care about most, for any reason. Artifcting is a multitasking achievement. Artifcts takes home inventory to a deeper level by focusing not just on what you own, but also why it matters. Items you Artifct could be valuable collectibles and collections, irreplaceable gifts and mementos, or simply things you love for reasons your own. If it matters to you, Artifct that. All Artifcts are private by default but can easily be shared digitally or downloaded. 
The Artifcted home “inventory” is not only useful for replacement, capturing the condition and key details of items, but also deeply meaningful for you and your family.

green circle with text Artifct That and QR code to start

Need Help Getting Started?

Depending on your needs, our Artifcts Concierge virtual or in-person services may be just what you need. There are also inventory and home organization professionals who can help you with home inventories. It’s really just about your priorities and where you want to start. If you need advice, reach out. We’re happy to help. We also encourage you to check out our Allies in ‘Stuff’ for more resources.


© 2025 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Home Organizing and Decluttering Tips to Steal from Movers and Downsizers

When I moved three times in as many years, I had no choice but to come to terms with what stuff I owned and whether it warranted a spot in a moving box, place on the truck, and space in my next home. Of course, in a pinch, and if space was not at a premium, I knew which boxes left unopened for multiple moves I could contentedly continue to ignore for another day and hand into the truck.

But that level of awareness is unique I think to people who move a lot. A professional home organizer told me recently that her clients get tripped up when decluttering and organizing a space because they have forgotten what was even in it. So, they rediscover items they already own and want to keep them and put them to use. There’s a human psychological phenomenon in play here. Namely, we tend to place greater value on items we already own.

Clients get tripped up when decluttering and organizing a space because they have forgotten what was even in it. - Home Organizer, Austin, Texas

Through Artifcts, my co-founder and I have spent an above average amount of time with people who are moving and/or downsizing as well as the professionals who assist them. Along the way, we have picked up on some tricks to help us with our own 'stuff’ of daily life and are eager to share them here with you to help reduce your day-to-day stress and enjoy your homes more. 


The Obvious Strategy: Pretend You’re Moving 

Before we cover any true tips and life hacks, let’s just put it out there: Even if you have no intent on moving anytime soon, pretending you are and going zone by zone through your home can be an incredibly effective decluttering technique.

Few of us follow golden rules popularized by the likes of Martha Stewart when it comes to regularly refreshing all of our spaces, including those cabinets and closets, to remove dust and other debris. When you tackle one zone after another this strategy becomes a decluttering and home cleaning win all in one!

The Second Most Obvious: You Don’t Need It, but Someone Does

Decorative pillowcases, picture frames, books, and special glasses and dessert plates are great examples of this downsizing theme. Yes, it is perfectly good. Yes, it’s perfectly usable. But you have outgrown it. That’s okay! Tastes and preferences change. Your space has changed. You simply don’t need it. That’s life. You married your spouse, not the ‘stuff,’ so give yourself some grace and the permission to let it go. It's natural to let go of stuff.

How exactly should you go about letting go?

For some, the answer to this type of ‘stuff’ is charity. Temporary homes for abused persons and other displaced individuals often need the sort of TLC cozy and practical home goods and décor can offer. Donate locally! Or check our free Going Green guides for ideas.

For others, taking a page out of Margareta Magnusson’s book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, is just the ticket. And no, you don’t have to be dying or in your senior years to use this concept in your life. When it comes to ‘stuff,’ Magnusson reminds us that rehoming items not only lets us share the stories and value of them with loved ones now, but it helps us to live as comfortably and stress-free as possible without the burden stuff can become.

image of an Artifacts QR code sticker on the bottom of a music box

Add an Artifcts QR code to the item you are rehoming to ensure the stories and memories are passed down along with the actual item.
And if you do not want to use stickers, you can always print a QR code directly from your Artifct.

Shred and Digitize, Today not Tomorrow.

Accidentally accumulating paperwork—yes, including photos—to sort through another day? Do not take a shortcut and stick it all in a binder or bin. That's a Band-Aid. Let’s go for a sustainable and useful fix. Mass digitizing and shredding can immediately clear spaces in your home and the back of your mind from this sort of clutter.  

Yes, it could mean you now have shifted it to digital clutter, but at least you freed up space and now that it’s digitized, it’s accessible when you are on the go, shareable and searchable, and protected from destruction by mother nature or theft. You can’t say that for a filing bin, cardboard box, or cabinet.

And your files are ready to upload into whatever app you are using for planning all of life’s nexts. Perhaps those cards, postcards, letters, photos, and pieces of kid art are ready for Artifcting along with their stories. Maybe you need to add that latest home insurance policy into your digital vault, like Trustworthy

Done digitizing? Now recycle.

Piles with Timelines (#IveBeenMeaningTo)

When you are heading toward a move, you start clustering things naturally in your mind: making the move, heading to donation, must ask a friend/family member if they want it, selling this, etc. If you apply that logic on a daily life basis, and dedicate a strategy for each intent, you’ll have a great habit that keeps you decluttering regularly. 

Perhaps you have an under-the-bed bin, a cute basket with a lid, or even a simple bag tucked into a closet where you can put anything you’re ready to donate.  

Perhaps you Artifct sentimental and valuable items and set a reminder with the Artifcts “In the Future” feature to sell by a certain date. Or maybe instead you share that Artifct with a loved one to see if they want it (especially now that they know the story) before you sell, donate, or otherwise rehome it. The act of asking not only avoids traps that faulty assumptions might set, but it’s also a best practice in managing your family history estate.

Another reason those move piles work wonders? It’s visible progress. For the items that have already made it through your assessment and are keepers, we strongly encourage adding a QR code so that you (and everyone else who looks) can see this item matters and can scan to learn why.

(Re)Set Up Your Home for Convenience and Peace

One of the best parts of a move is setting up your home again. You have a blank slate. Nothing is stopping you from using this blank-slate strategy even if you are not moving:

      1. Grab a pen and paper or open up a blank note on your phone.  
      2. Go room by room.  
      3. Do you see any pain points, constantly cluttered areas, things that are broken or damaged? Note it all down. 
      4. Review and prioritize for action.

Let’s walk through some examples.

Is it constantly irritating and slightly absurd that your hook for your reusable shopping bags is in the pantry and nowhere near the car you get into to go shopping? Move the hook.

How about the fact that naturally everyone in your home has some volume of clutter. And it’s everywhere, including on the counter, on the table, on the coffee table. I have a specific pen I love, a tape measurer, a set of Artifcts QR code stickers, and a book I’m reading, all of which I want readily accessible. Create a home for your clutter. I have a cute little pop-up crate on my bookshelf that holds these and other random items. Problem solved. (And, yes, my husband and daughter have crates, too. And we have a small one for common household stuff like scissors, tape, batteries, and a retractable utility knife.

three plastic crates in different sizes and colors stacked on each other

You can find these collapsible crates at MOMA, Design within Reach, and other online vendors in a variety of sizes and colors.

Furniture falls into this category, too, albeit we’re not always in the right place financially to do anything about it. But if you are, everyone who moves knows that you do not want to ship furniture that you always found uncomfortable, has a worn-out look that is not intentional or repairable, or is literally outgrown, like a toddler sized rocking chair. Sell or donate it, but either way, move it on out!

Schedule it. 

When you’re on deadline, as in the moving trucks will arrive one month from today, you have no choice but to get stuff done. Many people already keep things running on a schedule at home anyway, e.g. how often the chimney is inspected, the air filters replaced, or the windows washed. Why wouldn’t you add decluttering to your schedule? Home is not just where you spend the majority of your time, but it is also a place that should help you to feel recharged and comfortable. 

If daily or weekly sounds too intense, try monthly, as in, the third Sunday each month you schedule a specific space in your home for a once over. Sometimes it might be a “simple” drawer, other times you might schedule the front hall closet, because it’s a month when you know you’ll have more time. You do not need to make it a stretch goal. You just need to make the decluttering a reality.

And if you are truly under deadline, perhaps a guest is coming to stay, or you just feel overwhelmed, consider hiring a professional organizer to get you started with the most challenging spot for you.


All of these strategies are about (re)organizing and removing things that drain your energy and provoke frustration so you can live your life more smoothly. We hope you test them out, revise to your liking, and reap the rewards.

Happy Artifcting!


You may also be interested in these ARTIcles related to decluttering and downsizing

#HabitChange: Rescue and Preserve Those Memories

15 Years In Storage: Now What? Tips Before & After You Store 'Stuff'

Sorry, Not Sorry: I Love My Stuff

© 2025 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Cheers to 2025!

Dear Readers,  

As we begin the New Year, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support, encouragement, and feedback, whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or are just joining. I also want to share more about our exciting new pilot study on brain health with a major US university and some of the fun things 2025 has in store for our Artifcts community.  

Ellen and I created Artifcts to change the conversation around ‘stuff’ and to help us all preserve what matters most, whether that be the history and documentation behind great grandma’s wedding ring or the oh-so-funny video snippet of your loved one explaining the story behind a cherished photo. Here at Artifcts, we believe that family lore is just as important as the actual, factual stories, and that each of us is in our own way our family’s keeper.  

This year has been one of great growth for Artifcts—we've doubled our membership base, including members across the United States and in over a dozen countries and counting. More members have created more Artifcts, and some of our members have even out-Artifcted Ellen and me, which is no easy feat considering we each have 300+ Artifcts!  

Even as we’ve grown, we’ve remained true to our core, putting you, your data privacy, and your security first and foremost in all that we do. We know you place a great deal of trust in us as you create your Artifcts and it’s important to reaffirm that we’ve got your back, always. We’ll be rolling out enhanced security features in 2025 and exploring technologies to help protect unique content you create here at Artifcts beyond our existing copyright policies. 

We’ve also pushed headlong into the brain health arena this past year, embarking on a pilot study with the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Chan Medical School. We hope to prove that Artifcts and the process of Artifcting serve as a powerful screening tool for brain health. We’ve already had our first tranche of participants complete the required steps in the study, and our partners at UMass will begin analyzing the first sets of data early this year. We still have limited space available in the study so, if you are 65 or older and interested in participating, click here to learn more about the study and to sign up. Each of us can play an important role in ultimately preventing and/or slowing the advancement of cognitive decline due to dementia.  

We’ve also received some much-deserved recognition, beginning in February when Time Magazine named Artifcts as one of the top seven tools to help with decluttering. That was quickly followed by the Mom’s Choice Gold Award and an award from Family Tree Magazine naming Artifcts as one of the best genealogy tech tools of 2024. Ellen and I were also honored to be selected to participate in MassChallenge, the largest non-equity-based business accelerator program in the world. Bottom line, the word is getting out: ‘Stuff’ and legacy matter, and Artifcts is leading the charge.

Word is getting out: 'Stuff’ and legacy matter, and Artifcts is leading the charge.  

As for the here and now, the Artifcts team is hard at work ensuring Artifcts is where you need it, when you need it. Stay tuned for a couple of carefully researched and designed new product features in the first half of 2025, publication of our spring “Evenings with Artifcts” series schedule, and announcements of new partnerships spanning organizing and decluttering, estate planning, insurance, and beyond as we transform our relationships with ‘stuff’ together.  

With that, Ellen and I invite you to join us in a virtual toast as we say, “Cheers to 2025!” May it be a year of great growth and great fun.   

Happy Artifcting, 



© 2025 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Artifcts 2024 Rewind: Our Best New Features From the Year

2024! What can we say. It was a year of rapid innovation, following through on the valuable feedback we’ve collected from the Arti Community – you – and with input from our cross-industry Greenhouse committee, too. We also set the stage for some exciting changes to come at Artifcts in 2025. What’s the expression about it taking years to become an “overnight success?” Bit by bit, we’ll show the world together what it means to adopt the #ArtiLife.

While we could bore you with every little change and improvement of 2024, we’re opting to hit just the highest of the highlights. Here we go!

1. Can you hear me now?

When we launched Artifcts, we offered you the ability to combine photos, videos, and audio in every Artifct you created. Now you can also record video and audio directly in the Artifcts app.

A lot of thought went into this process because the last thing we wanted was a scenario in which you recorded something nearly perfectly or that was a bit too long, and you were left stranded without an option to trim, compress, or save that file and try again. So, we built that all in, too!

Just think, how much do you love hearing your loved one’s voice? Now remember that feeling and consider it the next time you create an Artifct. Voice is magical: the inflections, the word choice, the bloopers.

2. Get sticker happy

Covid really brought QR codes front and center in our daily lives. From the get-go, we built them into Artifcts so you could easily print a QR code for any Artifct you created and attach the QR code to the object, linking the digital story with the physical object.

Fast forward three years and you all were using Artifcts QR codes in such volume that you insisted there had to be a better option than printing, cutting, and sticking them.

And that is how Artifcts QR code stickers were born!

Scan a QR code sticker and Artifcts will ask you, “Do you want to attach this to an existing Artifct or create a new one?” And off you go, linking the digital stories and memories with the 'stuff' in the room! Now you'll easily keep track of the stuff and the memories.

3. But I Need a Book

The reality is, we are tactile creatures. We like the comfort of things in our hands. We were therefore unsurprised that people often asked us about printing their Artifcts to a book.

But we’ve also learned along the way that more than 80% of photo books people start to create are abandoned. And products that price a book into their memberships or annual fees often never get completed. They are time consuming labors of love! So, we took a novel approach.

You focus your energy on creating your Artifcts. Our partner at Akin will design and deliver your book. Simply purchase your book from Akin, privately share the Artifcts you want published, and they’ll design and deliver your book.

And remember those QR codes? Akin will include those in your book so your friends and family can enjoy all the additional photos, video, and audio featured in your Artifcts, too!

4. Get a Little Help from a Pro

Our best intentions aside, sometimes it takes having someone beside us to get stuff done. We’re busy and our attention is divided. No wonder so many baby books go unfinished and so many closets and drawers go unorganized. Who has the time? Who has the skill?

With tremendous input across six industries, we delivered Artifcts for Professionals (ARTIPro) this summer. Now professionals can offer Artifcting services to help you organize the stuff and the memories and get prepared for the future.

Your motivation and needs will vary. Some of you are decluttering and/or downsizing and want to hold onto the memories even as you let go of some of the stuff. Others of you are trying to document and organize collections, both for the joy of the collection and maybe for insurance and estate planning purposes, too. Still others are taking the next step after organizing their vast photos collections to now Artifct the stories behind key photos - photos can’t talk after all!

Whatever your goal, ARTIPros can Artifct for and with you and securely transfer your Artifcts to you for ongoing private access when your time together is complete. Ask proefssionals you hire if they are an ARTIPro. None (yet) in your area? You can also purchase a virtual or in-person Artifcts concierge service. Learn more!


Thank you all for coming along with us on this wild journey that is a startup. We look forward to more of it together in 2025. We have so much in store!

P.S. If you’ve made it this far, here’s a little reward: Message us at, and we’ll send the first 10 readers a packet of Artifcts QR code stickers. Happy Artifcting! 🎁

P.S.S. You can always look back on these and other features we released and shared over on ARTIcles by Artifcts. Read on! 


© 2024 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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The Top 10 ARTIcles by Artifcts of 2024

We published more than 70 ARTIcles and Press Center updates during 2024. That’s a lot of information, ideas, and inspiration flowing your way. As we sat down to look back at what most captured your interest, we saw organizing and decluttering dominating, buoyed by preparedness and support, too, from Artifcts’ new QR code stickers.

But we also see that the sentimental and emotional nature of the stuff we collect and accumulate weighs on our minds and opens us up to new approaches to help wade through the tough ‘stuff.’ We’d argue that’s why we also observed nostalgia-themed ARTIcles related to photos, sports memorabilia, and travel, rise to the top of the “most read” list, too.

Artifcts is so much more than an app. It’s a lifestyle. So these trends in what interests you here at Artifcts were extremely validating. We want to be there to help you with your stories and memories as well as the practical matters of life: What is this stuff, why does it matter, and what will I do with it next?

Whether reading for the first time or 10th, we hope you’ll enjoy this look back at the top 10 ARTIcles of 2024 and pick up a few reminders and tips along the way. Below we share excerpts from each and a link to re-read and enjoy.

#keepthememories #yourstoriesmatter #artifctthat #insurance #estateplanning


My Family Wants Me to Tell My Stories. Help!

Feeling pressured to tell your life stories?

Has a loved one given you a questionnaire or book to write in about your life that feels like another to-do?

Are you receiving tips on how to “express yourself” or make your stories “entertaining," "thoughtful," or "compelling" and don’t really know where to begin?

(Are you the one creating the pressure?! Keep reading.) Today's article… Read the full ARTIcles story. 

You may also be interested in, “Telling My Story Without the Pressure of a Memoir.”


We All Deserve a Purple Bin

My semitranslucent, plastic purple bin measures roughly 10 inches by 12 inches. I chose it because it was easy to spot and distinguish from my other storage bins. Already 20 years old, I’ve transported the bin to homes in six US states. It sits quietly now, minding its own business, in my dark attic. 

What’s in the bin? Hard to remember most days.  

If I were to lose it or Mother Nature were to destroy it, I’d feel the pain of curiosity about my loss, but I wouldn’t be able to quantify that loss. And in all honesty, I’d get over it a lot faster than I did the destruction of... Read the full ARTIcles story.

You may also be interested in, "Why One Mom Moved Beyond Memory Boxes and Instagram."


Get Stickered! Introducing Artifcts QR Code Stickers

Our new QR code stickers make fast work of sorting through and organizing all that ‘stuff.’ Once you purchase a set, you can grab your Artifcts sticker sheets, get cozy in that attic, den, basement, or maybe even family member’s home, and start Artifcting and stickering, zero interruptions to search out a printer. Before you know it, you’ll have added valuable stories to your Artifcts collection and instantly and meaningfully organized all those items. 

"Our mission at Artifcts is to help you connect the stories of life with the objects that you’ve collected, accumulated, and inherited. Now with Artifcts QR stickers we’ve made it that much simpler to keep track of your ‘stuff’ and your memories, too," said co-founder and CEO Heather Nickerson.

Don't believe us? Hear from someone who's helped 10s of 1,000s of people... Read the full ARTIcles story.

You may also be interested in, "Artifcts® Platform Now Supports Publishing to Custom-Designed Books with Partner Akin."


Every Room Has a Story: Kitchen Edition

Welcome to the fourth in our series of the stories of your living spaces: Your kitchen. Often the workhorse of our homes, the kitchen is also ground zero for family gatherings, traditions and oh-so-many memories and stories to go along with it all. Not to mention ALL that cabinet space, which too often ends up becoming the final resting place for long forgotten and seldom used gadgets, mugs, cookbooks, and more! 

What surprises are hidden behind your cabinet doors? What memories and stories are sitting untold? What ‘stuff’ is getting in your way of the job to be done: cooking! Let’s go! 

Catch up on past editions... Read the full ARTIcles story

You may also be interested in, "Artifcts: Your Digital Cookbook Meets Culinary Scrapbook."


Emergency Go Bag: Don't Forget the Memories

As spring cleaning continues and storms rage, we’re taking a moment to help you make the most of that frenzy to also boost your preparedness, a key theme here at Artifcts.

We’ve shared with you the true story of our co-founder Ellen who experienced a home fire at the age of seven and encouraged you to consider what objects in your home matter most. Whether you’re in a location prone to wildfires, floods, tornados, or other extreme weather events, preparation is key.

We also recently shared the story of a woman who proactively relocated her cherished belongings to a secure, climate-controlled storage facility out of harm’s way from the California wildfires only to have a flood... Read the full ARTIcles story.

You may also be interested in, "Insurance and the Art of Artifcts."


Swedish Death Cleaning Your Digital Legacy

Swedish Death Cleaning provides a conceptual framework to encourage us each to organize and declutter our homes to reduce the burden on loved ones who would otherwise need to sift through 1000s of objects one day when we’re no longer here. We might be some of the biggest fans of Margareta Magnusson, who introduced the concept in her book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, that she’s never met.💗 ...

... What ARE we talking about, “digital legacy?” Good question! Because, no, in this context, it is not about the entirety of your online life or digital assets, e.g. banking, mortgages,... Read the full ARTIcles story.

You may also be interested in other ARTIcles by Artifcts about Swedish Death Cleaning.


Minimalism Techniques That Can Help Us All

A decade or so ago when Zoë Kim, of Raising Simple, began taking small steps toward a more minimalist lifestyle, it was her kitchen that was her motivator. How could she function when there was so much stuff, food stuff to use and not waste, but also stuff to fit into cupboards, wash and dry, and generally even remember to use! Why did she even have five wooden spoons when a few would do?

Fast forward to 2023. She's the mom to seven children in a blended family with her partner Matt Paxton. While he had spent nearly his entire career helping hoarders, supporting people who need to clean out their houses and others who were downsizing, he was never a minimalist. He liked his stuff, and the stuff from his dad... Read the full ARTIcles story.

You may also be interested in, "15 Decluttering Targets for Artifcters."


Salvaging Water Damaged Photos

The following article includes excerpts from a true story shared with Artifcts by a member of the Arti Community and republished here with permission. May their loss help your future.


Imagine yourself in this scenario: Wildfires are approaching your home. You evacuate, taking with you your most cherished possessions, including those incredibly vulnerable photos, videos, books, and family documents. You feel relief when you place them inside a climate-controlled storage unit far outside the fire zone. 

Days later you receive a call from the storage facility. There’s been an accident. Your storage unit has been flooded via a damaged sprinkler system... Read the full ARTIcles story.

You may also be interested in, "Let's Talk Photo Negatives and VHS Tapes."


TIME Magazine Wants You to Declutter With Artifcts

Angela Haupt, journalist with TIME magazine, featured Artifcts this week in an online article that united experts in mental health and decluttering to share tools and tactics to "kickstart a realistic decluttering routine." We especially loved this insight from our own strategic advisory board member and popular TV host Matt Paxton:

Many people struggle to declutter because they don’t want to part with items that remind them of someone or something they love, Paxton says. A simple mindset shift can make a big difference: Think of getting rid of stuff as a way of unearthing your family’s history. 

A history you can then easily capture, preserve, and share here at Artifcts. Read the full story on TIME.

You may also be interested in, "15 Years in Storage: Now What?


Letting Go of Sentimental Items

Last fall Chris Stapleton appeared in a Sunday morning interview on NBC with Willie Geist. In a moment of reflection on the “how” of his music making, Chris pointed to a chair he’s used as he’s recorded all of his albums and said, “It’s home.” 

We get sentimental about objects for that “home” feeling among other reasons, making it difficult to let go sometimes. These are the artifacts of our lives! Today, we’re sharing our green-yellow-red light approach to reevaluating your sentimental collections. 

But, Reader, beware! If you are waiting for us... Read the full ARTIcles story.

You may also be interested in, Spring Cleaning: The Clothing Edition.


2024 is now a wrap. We look forward to seeing you back here in January!


Curious for more? Take a look back at the Top 10 ARTIcles of 2023, too.

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Why Artifcts is a Go-To Present for Caregivers and People with Dementia

I recently spent time with an Arti Community member who has dementia. As you may know, the daily routine for people with dementia is generally increasingly structured as the dementia progresses to minimize stress and paranoia and prioritize all things familiar. Schedules also help the caregiver preserve their own sanity, minimizing the “new” things in a day to juggle. 

As someone relatively new to the caregiver role to someone older than myself, I found that even within the normal routine, there were traps I nearly fell into every which way I turned. When you are unaccustomed to the way the brain plays tricks as dementia progresses, it’s easy to overlook complications that someone with dementia will face with day-to-day activities.

In today’s ARTIcles story, I am using the ubiquitous smart phone as both an example and as the flashing light that showed me, a founder of Artifcts, just how special the Artifcts experience and lifestyle is for caregivers and people with dementia. It’s so much more than an app.


Everyone is attached to their phones these days like they’re a vital appendage. And unless you are leaning over someone, you are not generally privy to what they are looking at on the phone.

In the case of this Arti Community member, she was checking and clearing out her Yahoo! email. In the process, she was sometimes clicking through on emails that grabbed her attention. One such email was filled with “Friend” suggestions from Facebook. To be clear, none of these people were her friends. And based on the profile pictures and names, as well as absence of connections to other legitimate friends, they should not become her friends either. 

Artifcts Offers a Warm, Safe Experience

Seeking to avoid this Facebook dilemma, I was reminded of vital attributes of Artifcts that further separate it from social media, especially for those with declining cognitive health. Artifcts means:

      1. No ads leading you down meaningless and potentially costly rabbit holes.
      2. No algorithm encouraging you to befriend strangers.
      3. Stories, without the story burden (pesky reminders and deadlines, irrelevant questions, and the stress of a project).
      4. An activity to do together, with in-the-moment benefits and benefits for years to come, too.

Artifcts offers you bite-sized memories and stories. Your stories and stories loved ones have shared with you. We spent over 30 minutes together inside the Artifcts app reading story after story, her stories, and stories loved ones had shared with her. The stories evoked warm, safe memories and a feeling of connection with her loved ones. She added further color commentary to some of the items in the Artifcts. “Poor, Scotty, he was always losing his fur,” she remarked about a stuffed dog she's had since she was a child. 

Old black stuffed dog toy with tartan plaid jacket

Revisiting Artifcted stories was relaxing for us both, the person with dementia and the caregiver. Browsing Artifcts offered a reprieve from the demands of any schedule and of treating her like a patient. 

We transitioned then from browsing Artifcts to me helping her to create a few new Artifcts for herself.

Research also supports that the art of storytelling and exercising the creative and memory parts of our brains, as when we create Artifcts, are good for our cognitive health.

Artifcts are like art, no two are the same. So while creating Artifcts can evoke positive memories, research also supports that the art of storytelling and exercising the creative and memory parts of brain, as when we create Artifcts, are good for our cognitive health. And, bonus, each Artifct we created was set up to be instantly shared with her immediate family members. Those Artifcts are like little gifts arriving in their inboxes – surprise – and become tangible evidence of time well-spent together.


To all the caregivers out there, we see you and value all you do. We beseech you to sprinkle Artifcts into your days so you can just be husband and wife, mother and daughter, best friends – people first, patient-caregiver second. And remind yourself, every moment of the day need not be about what they need. Prioritize your health, happiness, and sanity, too!

Wishing you a merry holiday season!

P.S. In case you have not heard, AARP chose Artifcts for its 2024 Gift Guide. You can browse the complete guide here.

Announcement that AARP chose Artifcts as a top holiday gift for 2024


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Hidden Stories Behind Holiday Decor

In today’s ARTIcles story, we’re taking you inside the homes of our co-founders, both of whom celebrate the winter season with Christmas trees and an abundance of ornaments. You might celebrate other holidays with a different set of traditional holiday décor, and we bet it too has stories to tell of holidays and people of years past and present.

Whether you have holiday heirlooms, family traditions, or simple merriment guiding your holiday décor, we hope you’ll remember to take a moment to create an Artifct and share a story or two with your friends and family this season.


Step Inside the Goodwin Home with Co-founder Ellen

Our tree is certainly merry and bright. The ornaments include those from my own childhood as well as those from my travels and annual “pick an ornament” outings with my daughter. 

This year’s tree decorating was unique, because my parents came to visit and decorated the tree with us. As we decorated, we naturally shared stories about the ornaments. It was the chattiest our daughter was all weekend as she oohed and aahed over her ornaments and reminded us of which ones had to be placed together.

Original art ornament of a women's face

This year’s new arrival is custom artwork from Brittany Atkinson, based in Austin, Texas. The ornament is more of an investment than usual ornaments, but I love supporting local artists. The bold design and colors definitely won my daughter’s stamp of approval.

Female nutcracker ornament hanging on a Christmas tree

I have a thing for nutcrackers, they adorn our house during Christmas, and they hang on our tree, too. I wish I could find more ornaments just like this one, a gift from my mom years ago.


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Evenings with Artifcts Paper Organizing

My daughter insists on pairing these sweet ornaments together on the tree each year. When she picked these out, it was the only time she got two ornaments instead of one to add to the tree. She named them Autumn and Oscar. 


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owl ornament made of brown dough with gold glitter

A few weeks before Christmas in 2012, I had surgery and was on crutches. While laid up, I had the bright idea to make these gingerbread and gold glitter cutout ornaments. Just me at home with a 2.5-year-old and really really REALLY sticky dough. What was I thinking? I’m delighted they’ve last this long.


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candy cane ornament

Sometimes I just want something classic and clean. Last year I chose a candycane design with a traditional shape made of heavy glass. It's another nice pop of color on the tree.


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And Now Step Inside the Nickerson Home with Co-founder Heather

Remember the Dr. Seus book, "Oh the Places You'll Go?" Every time I see our tree, I think of that book and smile, as our tree has evolved over the years to become a memory map of the places we've been and the adventures we've had year after year. Each ornament, although decorative by default, holds a deeper meaning to us, and brings back memories from our travels near and far. 


A beaded hummingbird ornament reminds us of our girls trip to Belize with @egoody and @vgoody "way back when" the girls still thought it was cool to travel with their parents.


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Our handmade Danish felt ornaments remind us of our visits to our family in Denmark and all the adventures we've had over the years with @Jeanet_Johansen.


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Parsa Craft Ornaments

One of the older ornaments on our tree, my beloved Parsa Craft ornaments from my time in Afghanistan. Each ornament is handmade from the women that make up the Parsa Craft collective in Kabul. These ornaments have managed to survive multiple moves and two golden retriever puppies. 


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Backpacking ornament

This one always makes me smile! When COVID hit, our travels came to a screeching halt. What to do? We hit the trails and the mountains with our trusty two-person backpacking tent. Imagine my surprise when I found a tent ornament that was an exact match to our tent. 


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Silfra glass ornament

Last but not least, one of my favorites! @Matt and I bought this ornament after our first trip to Iceland. It is one of the heaviest ornaments on our tree, which means we spend a great deal of time each year deciding which branch it goes on lest it slips to an untimely demise. (Which is not unheard of in our house with the dog and the children!)


Sorry, this Artifct is private!

Feeling inspired? Take a look around your tree, your mantle, or wherever you keep your holiday decor and pick an item to get started. Simply snap a photo, add a short story and any fun details, click save, and you're done! Got a growing collection on your hands? Create custom tags using the Tags feature to quickly sort and search through your collection. Some of our favorites this year? #Ornaments, #Holidays2024, and #Cookies!

We're preparing our ARTIcles for 2025. Have a topic you'd like us to cover? Share with us at


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Decluttering and Organizing to Create a Welcoming Space for the Holidays 

If you want to truly enjoy the holidays and not just operate in survival mode, take some advice from Santa Claus himself, who’s known for “Making a list and checking it twice.” 

While you could potentially remember everything that needs to get done and also smoothly delegate along the way, why would you do that to yourself when you could plan it out and recycle and update those plans year after year? You wouldn’t be the first person to wing it and then gasp when they realize they’re missing a particular gift, key ingredient, or even the tickets to the annual holiday lights show that they never miss.

Today in ARTIcles by Artifcts, we’re sharing tips from the pros in hopes of keeping your holiday season merry and bright.

The following is based on the Fall 2023 Evenings with Artifcts episode featuring C. Lee Cawley of simplify YOU, Jill Katz of One to Zen Organizing, and Samara Goodman of Samara Interiors. If you prefer to watch the Evenings conversation, pop over to YouTube now.



Shift Your Frame of Mind and Start with Clear Goals

The holiday season is filled with micro changes to your routines and your home, which can make even the most laid back among us a bit stressed out and edgy, Jill told us. While Jill specializes in organizational services for neurodivergent people, you’ll discover her strategies and tools can keep us all in the holiday spirit.


To counteract feelings of frustration and anxiety, Jill suggests shifting your frame of mind about the lead up and the moments that make up your holidays in two key ways:

First, embrace that preparation is part of the holiday fun. Give yourself the space during the weeks ahead for prep activities like: 

      • Choosing gifts thoughtfully, not frantically 
      • Hand writing notes on holiday cards 
      • Planning menus that come together to light up everyone’s taste buds 
      • Creating music playlists

Second, absolutely avoid urges for perfection. Take a step back and remember why you are doing all this to start with and breathe. What do you want to remember about this holiday one year from now? Five years from now? We bet it’s about how you felt, not whether that centerpiece matched Martha Stewart’s design or that cake looked as good on your table as it did for Ina Garten.


Now let’s consider your goals for the season. Are your holiday plans designed to guarantee more family time? Are you seeking to create a new holiday tradition this year?

To reach your goals and avoid madly racing thoughts that will detract from what’s important, track your holiday routines and to-dos. This will also help you to avoid starting from scratch next year. While you might like a pad of paper or digital note, hands down our panel recommends digitally accessible and customizable spreadsheets.

Before you decide spreadsheets are too intense or complicated, hear us out. A spreadsheet lets you simply list out your to-dos based on when they need to be done, e.g. 4 weeks out, 3 weeks out etc., so you can keep track of the multitude of tasks and subtasks that are part of your holiday routine.  

Common holiday to-do items from our panelists’ own spreadsheets:

      • Taking out and putting up decorations 
      • Buying tickets for a holiday event 
      • Planning the menu and its corresponding shopping list 
      • Ordering custom holiday cards (and noting the “no later than” date for getting them mailed) 
      • Gathering or buying materials related to annual traditions  
      • Making any needed repairs around the house before guests arrive  
      • Choosing and selecting a hostess gift for parties you’ll attend 
      • Tackling cleaning tasks big and small 
      • Pressing tablecloths and napkins 
      • Buying flowers for the table or around the house 
      • Ordering items that will sell out early or have shipping timelines that could threaten your fun

bowl of sugared cranberries

Last year our co-founder Ellen added a new recipe to her family's annual Christmas Eve open house: sugared cranberries. Now those ingredients are added to her annual shopping list.

Creating a Welcoming Space 

Hosting this year? Great. We’re ready with tips for you.


As the holiday season begins, get a strategy in place for one of the top sources of holiday clutter: paper! We’re talking about cards and flyers, donation requests from charities, and holiday cards, too.

C. Lee suggests buying or repurposing a decorative bin (with a lid) that you don’t mind setting out in your space to catch all the incoming catalogs and other generic mail. “But have a second box just for holiday cards that you do not want miss and may also include checks, cash, or gift cards.”

You’ll also likely generate some necessary paperwork during the holidays that C. Lee recommends you place into a durable labeled folder. What might this include? Copies of travel documents and itineraries, last year’s holiday card (to help you decide on this year’s), gift lists and ideas, receipts, and more.

Partial view of the Artifcts Get Papered checklist

Pre- or post-holidays, our handy Get Papered checklist can help you declutter all that paper! CLICK THE IMAGE to access this list and others and download for free!


Clutter aside, let's move on to holiday decor and more! As an interior decorator who naturally embraces many principles of home organizers, Samara suggests that in decorating for the holidays and preparing for guests you think about all five senses.

“Often people think about what the room looks like, and what the menu will taste like, but what about touch? Cozy blankets and that feeling of warmth around you can be so inviting. As for sound, music sets the tone, ranging from upbeat and playful to quiet and calming, and helps you to transition through an event, too. And smell can go beyond your menu. Keep a pot of simmering mulled cider on the stovetop to evoke memories and warmth. And use cloves and cinnamon sticks to fill a decorative vase.”

Samara also favors natural decorations that are compostable, inexpensive, and reusable. You can check out ideas from her here. A simple glass hurricane with a white pillar candle can be filled with red and green candies during the winter holidays, sand and shells in the summer, and acorns or lentils in the fall. Likewise, you do not need a Christmas bowl. An elegant neutral bowl of clear glass, bronze or silver, or smooth wood can grace your home during any season or occasion. Just add festive ornaments at Christmas and enjoy!

A small gingerbread house on a shelf with fake small pine trees

Iconic gingerbread houses offer instant, homemade, and compostable decor! CLICK THE IMAGE to view this Artifcted house.


If guests are coming to stay, you can easily discover online list upon list of items that you may want to have out and about to make your guests feel at home. Some things are small and easily done if you think of it, such as a small sign with your wi-fi password in a high traffic location as well as by their bedside.

Other things you maybe already have and/or do by routine anyway. Our favorites:

      • Laying out a sleep mask in case the sleep space is brighter than in their home
      • Providing a fan or sound machine in their bedroom
      • Clearing closet space and adding spare hangers along with a luggage rack 
      • Placing a carafe or similar for water in their bedroom
      • Topping up or replacing basic toiletries

C. Lee also suggests repurposing wine glass tags for regular coffee mugs and glasses to avoid stress and confusion as to which glass belongs to which guest (and reduce dishes). And we also love her suggestion to leave out a note along with some plates/bowls, breakfast foods, and coffee/tea directions so that they can help themselves when they wake up and you can relax into your day.

Artifct featuring recipe and video of the making of coffee cake

A breakfast treat like coffee cake can be made ahead (even well ahead and frozen), and pulled out for all to enjoy at whatever hour they roll out of bed!

It's Okay to Control the Chaos When Guests are Staying

About those guests of yours: Keep your eye on the prize. Priorities shift when guests are in the house. Do you feel more like, "Your home, your rules?" Maybe treat your rules more like guidelines.

Set boundaries only where necessary to keep everyone (pets included) safe and to preserve your sanity. We’re willing to wager that more often than not your friends and family will follow along if they know your boundaries and general modes of operation. Just give them a nudge! For example, add a temporary over-the-door rack to hang multiple coats so people know where they can store coats and bags if you don’t want them strewn about. And if you are a shoe-free household, post a little sign and offer skid free socks to put on for their comfort and safety.

Guests are gone? Now is when you can reset and return things to normal around the house. Do not try to do this while they are there; it’s like fighting gravity. Is that really how you want to expend your energy while they are there and you’re trying to enjoy time together?

Tips for Making the 11th Hour Less Stressful

Remember that spreadsheet? We mentioned sorting it by weeks. Well, you may also want to create a timetable for the day of your event, says C. Lee, so you and everyone else remembers/knows when each thing needs to happen. When does each dish need to go in the oven? When will you light the candles and start the music? Who is arriving and when?

And what are old school sticky notes good for when it comes to the holidays? Delegation! Jill reminded us all to ask for and accept help. And even if you truly have it under control, you can appreciate that you’ll have folks joining the festivities who will feel more comfortable if they can help in some way.

Pop a sticky note next to the salad bowl, ingredients, and recipe, and say, “Make me!” Or add a note next to the stack of plates, flatware, and glasses and, write “Ready for the table.” If you coordinated in advance or simply know who will want which task, label the note with their name.

Samara encourages you to work ahead to set the table, which can be a serious effort depending on the number of place settings, the distance your table is from where all the essentials are stored, and how many layers of decorations, flatware and glasses, and more you add to complete the table.

“And if you don’t have a separate table you can decorate in advance, create a table setting box with everything you’ll need, including the tablecloth, napkins, candles, candle sticks. For items you can’t put in the box, like place settings, platters and glasses, make a list and add to the box to check off as you set the table.”

One more 11th hour prep tip is about gift opening. Have your helper tools stationed and ready. This might mean a bag for ribbons (to reuse) and another bag for non-recyclable wrapping and tissue papers. And to avoid losing anything in that holiday mess, have a box set out where small gifts can be popped into temporarily. Oh, and don’t forget to have a safety cutter on hand for eager gift receivers to open tough tape, boxes, and plastic covers without landing in the emergency room.

The Final Word 

We asked our panelists for their final few words of advice to avoid getting our tinsel in a tangle. Here’s what they offered:

      • Simplify hostess gifts by picking one item to give to each hostess that season. Avoid more ‘stuff’ and go with consumables like wine, an evergreen potted plant, or special gourmet treats. 
      • Which leads to… embrace regifting! If it’s a distinctive and memorable gift, perhaps just avoid regifting it inside the same circle of friends or colleagues to avoid awkward moments.  
      • Centerpieces can be created well ahead of time and even done as an event, together with friends and family, for an instant tradition!  
      • Minimize how much new you take on during the holiday season: one new decoration, one new recipe, one new tradition.   
      • Plan in downtime so you can enjoy the season without being drained by it. 

And with that, happy Artifcting!


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It Wouldn't Be Thanksgiving Without, Part II

Dear Readers, 

Can you believe it’s been three years since we last talked about “It Wouldn’t Be Thanksgiving Without...”? Wow, how the time has flown.  

At the time, we were all emerging from our post-COVID days (or maybe even daze) trying to re-imagine what Thanksgiving may be like with limited travel and mask-optional gatherings. Fast forward to 2024 and a record number of Americans are expected to take to the roads, skies, and rails this Thanksgiving week to visit friends and family near and far.  

And, thus, as you are finishing your shopping and moving on to the kitchen prep, we’re encouraged to ask you anew: What would it simply not be Thanksgiving without for you? 

It Wouldn’t Be Thanksgiving Without... 

While in our household, it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without my mother’s tea breads, and in particular her banana bread, our list of what makes the Thanksgiving cut has grown over the past three years.  

New to the list? The roasted heirloom carrots that first adorned our Thanksgiving table in 2022. Our youngest was adamant that we make a batch the week before Thanksgiving “just to test things out,” and our family who is hosting this year has already asked us to come with carrots in hand. And before you ask, yes, we checked, and these carrots are not part of the massive recall by the US Food and Drug Administration. Have you checked yours? 

Another new(er) addition is Mom’s Cranberry Sauce, although it was always a staple for me, even if my siblings didn’t have a taste for it. Now that our crew has grown, and palates have matured, the cranberry sauce is a much sought-after item, possibly tying the bread stuffing for second place in the Thanksgiving sides hall of fame. 

And although it is not a culinary creation per se, Grandmom’s China now adorns our Thanksgiving table. It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving (or really, any holiday!) without her world-traveling china. I love the china not just because of the pattern, but because of the stories behind it; Grandmom’s story and now our story, too.


Artifcts Circles: Organize and Share Those Memories 

As our kids have grown, and our guest list has expanded to include family overseas, I’ve started to use Artifcts to organize and share our holiday adventures. The last year I hosted Thanksgiving for our motley crew, I created an Artifcts Circle to record and share not only the recipes and important “how-to” tips, but also the stories and memories behind the actual day, because let’s face it, sometimes as host(ess) it’s easy to overlook the small moments when trying to get a 25-pound turkey on the table on time.  


Having created the Circle back in 2022, I’ve been able to refer to it year after year. I’ll check the Circle the week before to quickly make sure I’ve got all the ingredients I need for all our favorite recipes. Pulling out every last cookbook to find the various recipes is never tops on anyone’s list.  

And if the kids or other family members ask for a specific recipe, no problem! With a single click I can send them the Artifct, with the recipe, notes, and even a short how-to video included. A small miracle when you’re trying to juggle a holiday meal for 12.  

Intrigued? Click the image below to view a short video about how to create an Artifcts Circle and invite others to join in on the fun! 

Want more information about how to create culinary Artifcts for your circle? Check out our ARTIcles story: Your Digital Cookbook Meets Culinary Scrapbook.  

In closing, I invite you, Dear Reader, to join me in Artifcting your favorite family recipes this holiday season. Keep the traditions alive and share the love (or at least the banana bread). 

Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Artifcting, 



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Insurance & The Art of Artifcts

Creating an Artifct is often a joyful experience, sometimes it is also cathartic, and for many Artifcting has become their preferred means of planning for their today and for their future. Insurance fits into that final category of Artifcts: preparedness. 

As you update your policies or renew in the new year, consider: Do you have enough insurance coverage for your valuables? Are you over insured? Do you have the documentation necessary to file a claim if mother nature, theft, or an accident forces your hand? Is an appraisal needed for a valuable item in your collection?

Ironically, in a 2020 poll from the Insurance Information Institute, fewer homeowners reported having a home inventory than a decade prior, despite increased familiarity with and options for digitization of photos, documents, and more as well as a proliferation of inventory apps for home goods and collections.

In 2020, fewer homeowners reported having a home inventory than a decade prior, despite increased familiarity with and options for digitization of photos, documents, and more as well as a proliferation of inventory apps for home goods and collections.

It’s human nature to avoid the negative, the improbable, and any issues that aren’t about today. But here at Artifcts, you’ll not only be able to create a record of items that are of greatest value to you, but in the process, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy reliving and sharing your stories and passions with others, too. 

Artifcts to Support Insurance 

When you create Artifcts with insurance coverage in mind, there are a few best practices to guide you. 

      • Photos and video. Take advantage of the five photos and/or videos you can add to each Artifct. Take a picture of the object as a whole, take another picture of a maker’s mark, if any, and then photograph the item from other angles. We also strongly encourage you to record and include a short video of the object, showing it from multiple angles. 
      • Documentation. Take a moment to find the receipt, appraisal, certificate of authenticity, or, if nothing else, a credit card statement that can help validate the original market price paid and the authenticity of the item. Attach it to your Artifct. When you acquire new items of value or collectibles, we recommend you Artifct That on the spot, when everything you need is at hand. This is a habit that will serve you well! 
      • Provenance. Where did it come from? Why do you have it? What does it mean to you? Even if you have only family lore of where an older item came from, record that in the “Description or story” of the Artifct.  

If you purchased it, describe where and when you were when you acquired the item and what makes it valuable to you. No, sentiment is not a qualifier in appraisal or replacement value, but it will be important to helping you get the right coverage and setting your own expectations for items you value.  

      • Add optional details. In your Artifct, click to view the “Full Form” and include how old it is, when you acquired it, and the marketplace or artist it’s from to facilitate an appraisal and any future insurance claims. We also strongly encourage to add its current physical “location.” And tag the item, e.g., #insurance, to easily sort your Artifcts by items you have, or want to have, added to your policy.  

Determining the Value of Your Belongings 

If you’re not sure of the value of an item in your collection, but suspect it’s valuable and want expert insight, you can Artifct That and then click “What’s it worth?” to share the Artifct and its supporting documentation privately with Heritage Auctions. They will assign your Artifct to the appropriate expert to review.  

You will receive a notification automatically in a few weeks when the free valuation is ready. You’ll find the valuation report in the documentation section of your Artifct. With the information from the valuation in hand, you can decide what to do next.  

Here's an example: You inherited a clock from your grandfather. You love it because it reminds you of him, always positioned on the bookcase next to his favorite reading chair, and you know he brought it with him to the United States from his homeland, Japan. The free valuation from Heritage Auctions informs you that that clock, in that condition, from that maker, in today’s market would go for between $18,000 and $22,000.  

You may think to yourself, “I better get an appraisal and confirm that it’s covered by my insurance policy.” Or you may think, “I loved Grandpa, but that clock is not that valuable to me. I’m going to sell it and use that money for {whatever you like}.” 

Before you sell a family heirloom or anything you value, you should consider these tips from Lark Mason, an expert in Chinese art and antiquities and frequent host on Antiques Roadshow. Read now! 

Insurance: Fact or Fiction 

We’ll close out this focus on Artifcts for insurance by revisiting our popular “Fact or Fiction?” discussion we had last fall with Howard Insurance, a private insurance advisory and risk management firm, about how to protect your ‘stuff’ from the chaos and mayhem that is life.

We invite you to test your knowledge with our "Insurance: Fact or Fiction" quiz, and then see what the experts have to say. (Hint: Answers are below.) We hope each point will build your confidence to take the necessary steps to protect all you cherish! 

      1. I need an appraisal to insure an item separate from my homeowner's policy.
      2. My homeowner's policy will pay to replace items even if my jewelry, antiques, silver or fine art has appreciated in value.
      3. All homeowners' policies are the same and include the coverage for everything in my home.
      4. Coverage for my personal trust is automatically included in my homeowner's policy.
      5. All homeowners' policies include coverage for mysterious disappearance.
      6. My personal property coverage is worldwide.
      7. Coverage for my personal property includes water damage, hurricanes and floods.
      8. There is no deductible for losses to my personal property.
      9. Filing a claim for my personal property will not impact my homeowner's premium.
      10. Mysterious disappearance coverage is included automatically on valuables policies. 

As the fact-fiction quiz reveals, picking the right policy or combination of policies is critical to protecting your ‘stuff,’ and worth a conversation with your agent. Watch the video replay with Howard Insurance for the full details behind each of these fact or fiction questions. 

Happy Artifcting!


© 2024 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Evenings with Artifcts Fall 2024 Series, Workshop Style

Fall is here and with it comes everything pumpkin spice, cooler nights, and the return of Evenings with Artifcts! This fall our 5-part series is centered on interactive workshops that allow YOU, our Arti Community members, to follow along with us as we delve into the details of how to Artifct photos, ephemera, and everything baby, just to name a few.

No guilt tripping or extreme minimalism hacks here. We'll talk frameworks to tackle the sentimental clutter and photos, and invite you to take a fresh look at your legacy and life stories through the lens of Artifcts. We'll highlight key features and time-saving tips and provide you plenty of time to follow-along at home as you capture, preserve, and share YOUR story, YOUR memories, one object at a time. And to that end, each workshop will also lean on one of our many free checklists to help inspire our conversation. 

Mark your calendars for Wednesday evenings at 5 p.m. PT/8 p.m. ET from October 16th through November 13th. Look for event and RSVP details each week in our e-newsletter and on our social media channels (Instagram and Facebook). And please share with friends, family, and others you meet. The more the merrier!

If you missed any of our past Evenings with Artifcts, catch up now!




Evenings with Artifcts Decluttering Workshop

Week 1: Decluttering Made Easy



Related content: 

- Watch the replay on YouTube ->

- Sign in & download our free Decluttering checklist

- More decluttering strategies on our blog ARTIcles by Artifcts

Save & Share Old Photos

Week 2: Sharing Photos & Stories

With special guest Kristen Goodman of Clicking with Kristen



Related content: 

- Watch the replay on YouTube ->

- Explore classes from The Photo Managers and the upcoming virtual conference

- Sign in & download our free Rescue Those Photos checklist

- Much more on photos and other media over on ARTIcles by Artifcts

Building a Baby Book

Week 3: Building a Digital Baby Book



Related content: 

- Watch the replay on YouTube -> 

- Sign in & download our free Oh Baby! checklist

- Enjoy the ARTIcles story, The Baby Book That Wasn't

Evenings with Artifcts Paper Organizing

Week 4: Organizing Your Ephemera



Related content: 

- Watch the replay on YouTube ->

- Sign in & download our free Get Papered checklist

- Dive into the ARTIcles stories, Swedish Death Cleaning & Your Next Move  and  Decluttering for Dementia: Paper Clutter


Preserving and Sharing Your Legacy

Week 5: Preserving & Sharing Your Legacy

With special guest Matt Paxton, star of Hoarders and PBS' Legacy List with Matt Paxton



Related content: 

- Watch the replay on YouTube ->

- Sign in & download our free Legacy checklist

- Enjoy our most recent ARTIcles by Artifcts story on legacy: Can Chocolate Chip Cookies Be Your Legacy?

If you'd like to suggest a topic or speaker for future events, share with us at


© 2024 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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