Exclusive articles, interviews, and insights covering downsizing & decluttering, genealogy, photos and other media, aging well, travel, and more. We’re here to help you capture the big little moments and stories to bring meaning and order to all of life’s collections and memories for generations.
In honor of Earth Day 2023 we created a special downloadable for all those items from around your home that through decluttering, moving, or otherwise "clearing on out," you want to move on without adding to the landfills. For our first edition, we’ve gone 100% eclectic, like the Artifcts you all create every day. Before the 'stuff' goes, Artifct that!
Click the image to download your copy. All ideas are linked so you can learn more!
And if you want to upcycle, and still aren't sure where to start, check out companies like UpycleThat for inspiration on repurposing and options to buy and sell items. You can also call or visit local charities and similar to learn about their ongoing needs. Local charities abound, but here are some examples to get you started that range from nationally represented to always local:
Dress for Success (Clothing)
Habitat for Humanity (Tools)
Goodwill (Donates millions of crutches, wheelchairs and more every year to veterans' groups. We realize you might only Artifct these as a good riddance moment, but those matter, too!)
Disaster relief organizations, such as the Red Cross and fire stations (Clothing, blankets ...)
Universities (Your graduate's gown)
Hospitals (Needs vary widely, but some accept games and stuffed animals.)
We also strongly encourage reaching out to professional organizers and estate sellers who tend to be incredibly knowledgeable about uniquely local resources. The data doesn't lie - so many of our items once purchased with good intentions are hitting the landfills. We can do better!
Thomas MacEntee knows his (genealogy) stuff. He’s spent decades on his own family research and long before that was steeped in the tech industry. Having tech skills, natural curiosity, and boundless energy are hallmarks of a great genealogist, and he possesses these traits and then some. We can add perseverance to that mix, too.
During a recent Evenings with Artifcts, our audience had questions for Thomas that we do not want you to miss. Here are just a few:
Q: How can I stay apprised of sales for memberships and DNA test kits, genealogy events near me, and even changes to the privacy terms of sites I use?
A: Approve the sender email addresses for sites you work with to ensure emails from them do not go to spam. And set Google Alerts! It’s easy to do and to change or delete when you no longer need them. Create a Google alert ->
Q: How can I export my genealogy research to share with family who do not want to sign into the platform I used to build our family tree? The file I got was not usable.
A: Ah, GEDCOM, yes; it’s the default format you’ll get genealogy data in and isn’t meant to be read as is. Try a different site from the one you’ve been using to see if you like it better for engaging your family. You can download the free version of RootsMagic or create a free account on MyHeritage and then import your GEDCOM file and evaluate its fit for you. Review each site’s terms and conditions before importing your GEDCOM data so you know what they will do with the data.
And watch out because the old GEDCOM formats do NOT download your media files. You have to download each photo, document, and other media file one-by-one. Always back up your media files locally before posting anywhere. That's a great bonus of Artifcts, which offers members non-proprietary, usable formats to download individual Artifcts and/or your complete collection. Simply click download and choose your preferred format. Done! And Artifcts does not compress (shrink) your media files either.
Q: I’m new to genealogy research. Where can I find some easy and free resources to get started?
A: Genealogists as a collective are very active in private and public Facebook groups. Historical societies are often great resources as well. Check your local libraries and museums for free workshops and access to digital research tools.
Thomas shared two additional free resources during the event. Click play!
Want to hear Thomas’ other great tips, including his thoughts on Evernote vs OneNote, top scanners for photos, negatives, and slides, and more? Watch the full replay on YouTube ->
Keep Privacy and Security and Mind as You Work!
It’s worth emphasizing the vital importance of privacy and record keeping throughout any family history and genealogy research endeavor.
Data about living people, personal details (addresses, DNA results, birth and anniversary dates), and even the photos and videos you share should all be done with consideration given to all those affected.
And if you have interviewed a family member and want to include their story, share the transcription with them before you upload it anywhere, so they retain control over their history!
For real. Do not rely on a three-ring binder, fire safe, or, please no, a plastic bin or filing cabinet to be your vault. Embrace tech:
A solid-state hard drive (you can easily find reviews from established sources like CNET) can provide you with speed, capacity, and longevity, helping future proof your research!
And consider a secondary backup with a cloud-based solution or a digital vault service. There are many vault services available to store documents, photos, videos, passwords, and the like. Some also bake in estate planning, medical directives, and other tools to ensure you’re planning forward. Check out Keylu, one of our Allies in ‘Stuff,’ and others including Trustworthy and GoodTrust to find the best fit.
Often genealogists and/or the "family keepers" find themselves on lonely hunts for the details of the near to distant past that help them piece together their family history. If you truly seek to preserve memories and keep the family history alive, the scattered facts, photos, and memories locked into family trees and timelines or behind paywalls might be your best tools and your biggest hurdles.
Here are a few of our favorite combos of photos, video, and audio for a family history experience that will stand the test of time and engage the next generation:
Ship manifest + family photo + audio of Grandma's and Grandpa’s version of events;
DAR certificate + family lineage to the Revolutionary War + who applied, why, and what you know about the patriot;
Mom’s corporate articles of incorporation + her business logo + an audio recording of her telling the story of building her company;
Baby’s baptismal gown + photo of the wedding dress it came from + generations of pictures of those who wore the gown.
Click the image to view the story of the Artifct about this family heirloom.
Don't Forget!
Artifcts’ invite-only circles are perfect for modern family history and reuniting family heirlooms every day. Not just during family reunions! Don't wait until it's too late.
Never share personal information about living relatives without their permission. Privately share the Artifct, leave a note, see what they think!
Use "Location” on your Artifct to record where you have stored other related files online or in hard copy and select an option from “In the Future” to help make your wishes known.
Have another tip or approach for genealogists and family history enthusiasts?
Share on social media or write to us at Editor@Artifcts.com.
Realities shared among those who served together, snippets of which might be recorded in letters and photos as well as the service uniform that evolves over the course of a career. These are pieces of a story that is unique to each person who has served, the jobs they held, the places where they were deployed. They also hold meaning and sometimes mystery to those who wait at home for their service members to return.
We know one service member’s experience is unlike any other’s career. But how do we know more and learn from our history unless we capture and share it? Consider these combos of photos, video, and audio to capture pieces of military service history:
Photos of full-dress uniform + close ups of each sleeve + front + description of each with rank and time period;
Mail from home + mementos carried with you + video snippet talking about the objects;
Remember many people lack a military background and vocabulary. Your loved ones and peers will enjoy your stories, no matter how detailed. Most civilians simply have no context for military concepts and lingo unless you give it to them. What does that rank or that call sign mean?
Privacy & security first. Be sure to consider how/whether you mention others by name. Maybe share the Artifct with them privately first to make sure they are okay with it before you share it more broadly. And avoid all sensitive operational details – it's the big picture story that should live on! If in doubt, leave it out.
Trying to research the military service of your next of kin? The Department of Veterans Affairs can help! Click hereto get started.
Questions about the militaria that you have or may have inherited? Reach out to Mid-Atlantic Military Antiques, one of our 'Allies in Stuff.'
Have another tip or approach for military mementos?
Share on social media or write to us at Editor@Artifcts.com.
“ANY of my photos I took on my phone?” “Can you help with all these voice messages? Are they ‘stuff?’” “Oh, I can do that walking around my house! My son thinks it’s all junk.” “I have a three-hour layover in Denver. I’ll start Artifcting then!” {What will you say?}
We took notes as our newest Artifcts Community members tried out our app last week at the RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City. We must have chatted with more than 500 people who stopped by our booth. Some were conference attendees. Others are themselves respected builders of the premiere brands in genealogy services today. The awe factor of our modest app centered around how much you could do with a single, easy to use application. We’re declaring that a win!
On Monday we offered a free webinar to walk through some of the ins and outs of creating an Artifct from the Artifcts app. You can watch the recording, blooper moments and all, on our YouTube channel ->
Your Turn! Try a Few of the Artifcts App Features
The more feedback from all of you, the better and better the app will be. Download the app to your iOS or Android device, give it a try, and write to us at Hello@Artifcts.com. We review every message!
CREATE A NEW ARTIFCT Use what you’ve got!
On your phone, that is. Go for it, scroll 1000s of photos back in your gallery to that ONE photo you’re thinking of. Or pop into your voicemail and rescue that message you’ve saved for months or even years.
Open the voice message.
Click the share icon
Choose the Artifcts app!
Images are from an iOS phone. Android will have slight differences.
Start fresh. Work with the latest. From the Artifcts app, click '+ Artifct.'
Now choose to take a new photo, use an existing photo, video, or audio file, and off you go! Remember, you can choose up to five media files per Artifct and rearrange them to flow with your story.
You can always share an Artifct with someone based on their Artifcts screen name or email address. You can even post public Artifcts to social media. But did you know that the Artifcts app offers a special sharing option?
Click the share icon on your Artifct.
Choose ‘Share link’ to send the Artifct via text message. You don’t even have to enter the email, phone number, or know if they are already an Artifcts member. Simply type to find the contact on your phone and send the Artifct in a text.
If the Artifct is private, and you haven’t already given the person permission, they will be able to “request access” when they click to view the Artifct link you sent them. Don’t' worry, they will be encouraged to sign in (or create a free Artifcts account) first to see if they already have access.
Bonus! If you have notifications for the Artifcts app enabled on your mobile device, you’ll learn instantly when they request access.
FIND OUT: WHAT'S IT WORTH? When you supect real market value or historical relevance
You can find out if your treasures are authentic and potentially valuable!
Click to view one of your Artifcts
Scroll to the end of the Artifct and click "What's it worth?" to ask Heritage Auctions.
After expert review, Heritage Auctions will attach directly to your Artifct a free valuation within two to three weeks. Be sure to provide helpful details. We offer tips in our FAQs for valuations.
This is a good one for the whole family to join in on, even nannies and other caregivers who knew your little one when or maybe even knew you when. Digital photos and files have created false security and a lot of chaos. All you have is a trinket, a piece of clay art, or a photo (if you can find it), and whatever you can remember about it as time goes on. We can do better for the daily moments that make us smile and the big events that fundamentally change our lives. Childhood, a history, at your fingertips with Artifcts.
You may already know the combinations for Artifcts are endless. When it comes to all things childhood, here are some favorites:
Record you, or a loved one, reading your favorite story + include a photo of the book (or you with it!) + tell the story of why you loved it so.
Write down the story of “the day you were born” + photos of baby’s first outfit + blanket + bracelet or hat.
Annual traditions make great Artifcts: Every Halloween costume, school photo, summer trip, and homemade holiday craft, show not just growth but how preferences and personality change, too.
Video snippets of littlest voices: Words they couldn’t pronounce, funny expressions, singing songs, “mastering” a new song or sport, chattering with pets. These are the best moments!
Click the image to view the story of the Artifct about Twilight the Bird.
Don’t Forget
We all forget. We’re all busy. Take the 30 seconds to Artifct that so it can accumulate without thinking and build a history to last generations.
Don't want the world to see those childhood firsts? Sharing privately is simple with Artifcts! You can create family circles so that you can keep everyone up to date on the big and little moments and others can contribute as well. You won’t be there for every moment and it’s fun to see your kid through another’s eyes.
Consider gifting the mom in your life Artifcts. Imagine all those "I never knew that about you!" moments that await.
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