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Genealogy for the New, the Frustrated, and the Reluctant: Our Conversation with a Professional

Ellen Goodwin, Artifcts
September 07, 2023

Reading time: 7 minutes 

We see you! You’re curious about something in your family history but are no genealogy pro. You are strapped for time and fear the complexities and cost involved in getting started and doing the research right.

The good news is that you do not need to become a genealogist to benefit from the voluminous records available online and via traditional hardcopy archives of old. We always encourage you to start “old school” with what you may have at home. Check out our Genealogy Gems checklist.

Notebook paper with list of genealogy research items in your home

In today’s conversation, you’ll learn about how professional genealogists can support your efforts to gain new information no matter if you are a highly experienced researcher or an amateur family historian who loves a good story. Who doesn’t after all? Myths, legends, campfire tales are all about good stories. Even better when they stories are your family’s stories!

Genealogy Research with the Pros

Sheri Bennett, a professional genealogist and project manager with Legacy Tree Genealogists, knows a thing or two about genealogy. A practicing professional for nearly two decades with a degree from Brigham Young University (BYU) and first-hand research experience in Mexico and Chile, she’s seen a lot. Enjoy our chat with Sheri as we explore what professional genealogists bring to the table to resolve your family history puzzles and curiosities. 

Ellen Goodwin: It’s not every day I get to chat with a professional genealogist. I’m hardly even a hobbyist. More an admirer! And you have a deep professional background and interesting specialties, too.

Sheri Bennett: Well, you’re in good company with Legacy Tree Genealogists, because we work with all types of people interested in genealogy. But, yes, you gave my technical background, and that’s been bolstered by my own family research while I was at BYU and over the course of my career. My dad was from Tennessee and my husband the south as well, so between researching their ancestry and my own time in Chile and Mexico, I have developed specialties in the US South and Midwest as well as supporting Spanish-language research.

Goodwin: In your experience, is there a common theme as to why clients hire professional genealogists?

Bennett: The specifics vary but, in general, they simply want to know – what are our stories, who were my people, where did they live and work, why did they move? They want concrete answers.

Sometimes to get these answers you need help that stretches beyond a passive hobby, because as we all know, not all information is created equal. I was shocked when a professor once told me that all those many many many family trees out there are only ~40% accurate! People think they are related to people they are not related to if they accept others’ trees.

Goodwin: That sounds … messy. Does that mean you spend a lot of time correcting trees?

Bennett: A lot of time, no, not necessarily, but it is a very common request from clients. We use two documents per relationship to validate and/or correct a relationship. One document is never enough. Someone else’s tree is never enough.

Goodwin: I think that’s a major draw for people like myself: In seeking these answers, you offer reassurance. Your work meets standards that mean your clients have concrete answers and can avoid passing down inaccurate information.

Bennett: As professional genealogists, the genealogical proof standards from the Board for Certification of Genealogists are the cornerstone of our work and our core values at Legacy Tree Genealogists, too: Care – Cooperation – Accuracy – Respect – Efficiency.

We have an obligation to undertake “reasonable exhaustive research.” The key word being exhaustive. What record could contain the needed information? Tax records, probate, … may all be relevant. And what archive, where, would hold that document?

Goodwin: I love how excited and passionate you get about this work as we’re chatting. Even a document is not just a document to you. For so many, it’s hard to breathe life or context into a piece of paper.

Bennett: Documents are so exciting. It’s a connection! They aren’t just paper – if you know how to interpret them, they can tell a story. Where they were born, to whom, was dad not even listed and was that normal for the time? If you’re lucky, like in some Latin countries, even grandparents are listed in a birth certificate, and you get three generations in one document!

Audio icon on beige background labeled "Listen in!"

Stories are there, hidden in those documents.

Goodwin: I’m excited just imagining what all that information you research could mean for today’s descendants. I can picture it: here's the city so-and-so was born and raised in, and the church where she was married—see their signatures on the marriage license—and the location where the bakery she and her family operated once stood, and so on.

Bennett: Yes, seeing it all in black and white, it’s amazing. And to your point of envisioning it, we even map those locations out for clients. You could use it to plan a family heritage trip! It’s another way we can bring the research to life for our clients – real people, real places, real relations and roots of yours.

Goodwin: Your specialties, local knowledge, and archival access across your global team must be an incredible asset to your clients. I know that in my mother’s family, the paternal line was the subject of a self-published book in 1992, but the author mentions at the outset all sorts of gaps where no matter how many letters she wrote to archives in England, Germany, and elsewhere, she never found certain records.

Bennett: Absolutely. We have researchers who specialize in different areas across the world. Often when hobbyists or amateur genealogists hit brick walls like your family member did, it’s because they are working online and cannot access the old churches, tax offices, and other archives where original records are kept.

Goodwin: Thinking about those original records, validating places of birth and marriage, for example, are more black and white sorts of records searches. Surely people also come to you with information more akin to family lore that they want you to explore?

Bennett: Ha, yes. And I’m sure you read a lot of family lore at Artifcts, too. Curiosity certainly motivates people. They want to know if the family legends are true. Do we have a Cherokee princess in the family line? Are we really related to Jessie James? Did my ancestors come over on the Mayflower? They are curious, but they don’t have time to unearth this information themselves.

They want to know, are the legends true?

Goodwin: In seeking these answers, you deliver insights and the proof we spoke about earlier. Clients receive a written report, along with a fan chart, copies of the original documents, and even a data file that they can upload to genealogy software to update their tree. Did I miss anything?

Bennett: All of our findings are delivered in a binder and a password protected website, too. And, keep in mind, it's all the research findings along the way, too.

One of our clients in Cuba was trying to trace his family’s origins back to Spain. But it wasn’t as simple as going one or two generations back. Ten generations back and at last we landed his family in Spain. All of our research discoveries along the way, even the dead ends, were valuable and validating.

Nil results are still progress!

Goodwin: What’s one detail about family history and genealogy research that people might easily overlook?

Bennett: The photos. Often clients want us to find photos of their ancestors, and here there’s an important “yes, but” to consider.

Audio icon on beige background

Was your ancestor in the newspaper? That would help.

Goodwin: I know exactly what you mean about the feeling of connection when you discover new details and context. I Artifcted a family brooch after a lengthy episode of chasing family history and had I known more about it earlier, I would have worn it on my wedding day.

If I were a client of yours, could I share that Artifct with you to support your research? 

Bennett: Yes! We prefer clients to share files with us digitally, if possible, so we can easily access and review them and avoid duplicating any progress they may have already made in their family research.

We certainly do not want you to send us a brooch or original photo or document. If those resources are Artifcted, all the better! We can weave Artifcts into the biography along with the photos and documents within each Artifct, too.

<<End Interview>>

There’s that age old saying, working smarter not harder. And sometimes, yes, that means calling in a professional genealogist for a course correction, powering through a brick wall, or inspiring your search down paths you’ve never even caught a glimpse of. We love that your Artifcts can capture and boost those genealogy discoveries and sharing and hope you’ll have a lot of fun as you continue your family history research!

Happy Artifcting!


You may also enjoy these additional ARTIcles by Artifcts:

Did You Know Great Grandpa was an Inventor?

Grandma's Secret, Not-So-Secret, Coin Collection

She's the Last of Her Generation


© 2023 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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What's New at Artifcts
Cheers to 2025!

Dear Readers,  

As we begin the New Year, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support, encouragement, and feedback, whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or are just joining. I also want to share more about our exciting new pilot study on brain health with a major US university and some of the fun things 2025 has in store for our Artifcts community.  

Ellen and I created Artifcts to change the conversation around ‘stuff’ and to help us all preserve what matters most, whether that be the history and documentation behind great grandma’s wedding ring or the oh-so-funny video snippet of your loved one explaining the story behind a cherished photo. Here at Artifcts, we believe that family lore is just as important as the actual, factual stories, and that each of us is in our own way our family’s keeper.  

This year has been one of great growth for Artifcts—we've doubled our membership base, including members across the United States and in over a dozen countries and counting. More members have created more Artifcts, and some of our members have even out-Artifcted Ellen and me, which is no easy feat considering we each have 300+ Artifcts!  

Even as we’ve grown, we’ve remained true to our core, putting you, your data privacy, and your security first and foremost in all that we do. We know you place a great deal of trust in us as you create your Artifcts and it’s important to reaffirm that we’ve got your back, always. We’ll be rolling out enhanced security features in 2025 and exploring technologies to help protect unique content you create here at Artifcts beyond our existing copyright policies. 

We’ve also pushed headlong into the brain health arena this past year, embarking on a pilot study with the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Chan Medical School. We hope to prove that Artifcts and the process of Artifcting serve as a powerful screening tool for brain health. We’ve already had our first tranche of participants complete the required steps in the study, and our partners at UMass will begin analyzing the first sets of data early this year. We still have limited space available in the study so, if you are 65 or older and interested in participating, click here to learn more about the study and to sign up. Each of us can play an important role in ultimately preventing and/or slowing the advancement of cognitive decline due to dementia.  

We’ve also received some much-deserved recognition, beginning in February when Time Magazine named Artifcts as one of the top seven tools to help with decluttering. That was quickly followed by the Mom’s Choice Gold Award and an award from Family Tree Magazine naming Artifcts as one of the best genealogy tech tools of 2024. Ellen and I were also honored to be selected to participate in MassChallenge, the largest non-equity-based business accelerator program in the world. Bottom line, the word is getting out: ‘Stuff’ and legacy matter, and Artifcts is leading the charge.

Word is getting out: 'Stuff’ and legacy matter, and Artifcts is leading the charge.  

As for the here and now, the Artifcts team is hard at work ensuring Artifcts is where you need it, when you need it. Stay tuned for a couple of carefully researched and designed new product features in the first half of 2025, publication of our spring “Evenings with Artifcts” series schedule, and announcements of new partnerships spanning organizing and decluttering, estate planning, insurance, and beyond as we transform our relationships with ‘stuff’ together.  

With that, Ellen and I invite you to join us in a virtual toast as we say, “Cheers to 2025!” May it be a year of great growth and great fun.   

Happy Artifcting, 



© 2025 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Artifcts 2024 Rewind: Our Best New Features From the Year

2024! What can we say. It was a year of rapid innovation, following through on the valuable feedback we’ve collected from the Arti Community – you – and with input from our cross-industry Greenhouse committee, too. We also set the stage for some exciting changes to come at Artifcts in 2025. What’s the expression about it taking years to become an “overnight success?” Bit by bit, we’ll show the world together what it means to adopt the #ArtiLife.

While we could bore you with every little change and improvement of 2024, we’re opting to hit just the highest of the highlights. Here we go!

1. Can you hear me now?

When we launched Artifcts, we offered you the ability to combine photos, videos, and audio in every Artifct you created. Now you can also record video and audio directly in the Artifcts app.

A lot of thought went into this process because the last thing we wanted was a scenario in which you recorded something nearly perfectly or that was a bit too long, and you were left stranded without an option to trim, compress, or save that file and try again. So, we built that all in, too!

Just think, how much do you love hearing your loved one’s voice? Now remember that feeling and consider it the next time you create an Artifct. Voice is magical: the inflections, the word choice, the bloopers.

2. Get sticker happy

Covid really brought QR codes front and center in our daily lives. From the get-go, we built them into Artifcts so you could easily print a QR code for any Artifct you created and attach the QR code to the object, linking the digital story with the physical object.

Fast forward three years and you all were using Artifcts QR codes in such volume that you insisted there had to be a better option than printing, cutting, and sticking them.

And that is how Artifcts QR code stickers were born!

Scan a QR code sticker and Artifcts will ask you, “Do you want to attach this to an existing Artifct or create a new one?” And off you go, linking the digital stories and memories with the 'stuff' in the room! Now you'll easily keep track of the stuff and the memories.

3. But I Need a Book

The reality is, we are tactile creatures. We like the comfort of things in our hands. We were therefore unsurprised that people often asked us about printing their Artifcts to a book.

But we’ve also learned along the way that more than 80% of photo books people start to create are abandoned. And products that price a book into their memberships or annual fees often never get completed. They are time consuming labors of love! So, we took a novel approach.

You focus your energy on creating your Artifcts. Our partner at Akin will design and deliver your book. Simply purchase your book from Akin, privately share the Artifcts you want published, and they’ll design and deliver your book.

And remember those QR codes? Akin will include those in your book so your friends and family can enjoy all the additional photos, video, and audio featured in your Artifcts, too!

4. Get a Little Help from a Pro

Our best intentions aside, sometimes it takes having someone beside us to get stuff done. We’re busy and our attention is divided. No wonder so many baby books go unfinished and so many closets and drawers go unorganized. Who has the time? Who has the skill?

With tremendous input across six industries, we delivered Artifcts for Professionals (ARTIPro) this summer. Now professionals can offer Artifcting services to help you organize the stuff and the memories and get prepared for the future.

Your motivation and needs will vary. Some of you are decluttering and/or downsizing and want to hold onto the memories even as you let go of some of the stuff. Others of you are trying to document and organize collections, both for the joy of the collection and maybe for insurance and estate planning purposes, too. Still others are taking the next step after organizing their vast photos collections to now Artifct the stories behind key photos - photos can’t talk after all!

Whatever your goal, ARTIPros can Artifct for and with you and securely transfer your Artifcts to you for ongoing private access when your time together is complete. Ask proefssionals you hire if they are an ARTIPro. None (yet) in your area? You can also purchase a virtual or in-person Artifcts concierge service. Learn more!


Thank you all for coming along with us on this wild journey that is a startup. We look forward to more of it together in 2025. We have so much in store!

P.S. If you’ve made it this far, here’s a little reward: Message us at, and we’ll send the first 10 readers a packet of Artifcts QR code stickers. Happy Artifcting! 🎁

P.S.S. You can always look back on these and other features we released and shared over on ARTIcles by Artifcts. Read on! 


© 2024 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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The Top 10 ARTIcles by Artifcts of 2024

We published more than 70 ARTIcles and Press Center updates during 2024. That’s a lot of information, ideas, and inspiration flowing your way. As we sat down to look back at what most captured your interest, we saw organizing and decluttering dominating, buoyed by preparedness and support, too, from Artifcts’ new QR code stickers.

But we also see that the sentimental and emotional nature of the stuff we collect and accumulate weighs on our minds and opens us up to new approaches to help wade through the tough ‘stuff.’ We’d argue that’s why we also observed nostalgia-themed ARTIcles related to photos, sports memorabilia, and travel, rise to the top of the “most read” list, too.

Artifcts is so much more than an app. It’s a lifestyle. So these trends in what interests you here at Artifcts were extremely validating. We want to be there to help you with your stories and memories as well as the practical matters of life: What is this stuff, why does it matter, and what will I do with it next?

Whether reading for the first time or 10th, we hope you’ll enjoy this look back at the top 10 ARTIcles of 2024 and pick up a few reminders and tips along the way. Below we share excerpts from each and a link to re-read and enjoy.

#keepthememories #yourstoriesmatter #artifctthat #insurance #estateplanning


My Family Wants Me to Tell My Stories. Help!

Feeling pressured to tell your life stories?

Has a loved one given you a questionnaire or book to write in about your life that feels like another to-do?

Are you receiving tips on how to “express yourself” or make your stories “entertaining," "thoughtful," or "compelling" and don’t really know where to begin?

(Are you the one creating the pressure?! Keep reading.) Today's article… Read the full ARTIcles story. 

You may also be interested in, “Telling My Story Without the Pressure of a Memoir.”


We All Deserve a Purple Bin

My semitranslucent, plastic purple bin measures roughly 10 inches by 12 inches. I chose it because it was easy to spot and distinguish from my other storage bins. Already 20 years old, I’ve transported the bin to homes in six US states. It sits quietly now, minding its own business, in my dark attic. 

What’s in the bin? Hard to remember most days.  

If I were to lose it or Mother Nature were to destroy it, I’d feel the pain of curiosity about my loss, but I wouldn’t be able to quantify that loss. And in all honesty, I’d get over it a lot faster than I did the destruction of... Read the full ARTIcles story.

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Get Stickered! Introducing Artifcts QR Code Stickers

Our new QR code stickers make fast work of sorting through and organizing all that ‘stuff.’ Once you purchase a set, you can grab your Artifcts sticker sheets, get cozy in that attic, den, basement, or maybe even family member’s home, and start Artifcting and stickering, zero interruptions to search out a printer. Before you know it, you’ll have added valuable stories to your Artifcts collection and instantly and meaningfully organized all those items. 

"Our mission at Artifcts is to help you connect the stories of life with the objects that you’ve collected, accumulated, and inherited. Now with Artifcts QR stickers we’ve made it that much simpler to keep track of your ‘stuff’ and your memories, too," said co-founder and CEO Heather Nickerson.

Don't believe us? Hear from someone who's helped 10s of 1,000s of people... Read the full ARTIcles story.

You may also be interested in, "Artifcts® Platform Now Supports Publishing to Custom-Designed Books with Partner Akin."


Every Room Has a Story: Kitchen Edition

Welcome to the fourth in our series of the stories of your living spaces: Your kitchen. Often the workhorse of our homes, the kitchen is also ground zero for family gatherings, traditions and oh-so-many memories and stories to go along with it all. Not to mention ALL that cabinet space, which too often ends up becoming the final resting place for long forgotten and seldom used gadgets, mugs, cookbooks, and more! 

What surprises are hidden behind your cabinet doors? What memories and stories are sitting untold? What ‘stuff’ is getting in your way of the job to be done: cooking! Let’s go! 

Catch up on past editions... Read the full ARTIcles story

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Emergency Go Bag: Don't Forget the Memories

As spring cleaning continues and storms rage, we’re taking a moment to help you make the most of that frenzy to also boost your preparedness, a key theme here at Artifcts.

We’ve shared with you the true story of our co-founder Ellen who experienced a home fire at the age of seven and encouraged you to consider what objects in your home matter most. Whether you’re in a location prone to wildfires, floods, tornados, or other extreme weather events, preparation is key.

We also recently shared the story of a woman who proactively relocated her cherished belongings to a secure, climate-controlled storage facility out of harm’s way from the California wildfires only to have a flood... Read the full ARTIcles story.

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Swedish Death Cleaning Your Digital Legacy

Swedish Death Cleaning provides a conceptual framework to encourage us each to organize and declutter our homes to reduce the burden on loved ones who would otherwise need to sift through 1000s of objects one day when we’re no longer here. We might be some of the biggest fans of Margareta Magnusson, who introduced the concept in her book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, that she’s never met.💗 ...

... What ARE we talking about, “digital legacy?” Good question! Because, no, in this context, it is not about the entirety of your online life or digital assets, e.g. banking, mortgages,... Read the full ARTIcles story.

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Minimalism Techniques That Can Help Us All

A decade or so ago when Zoë Kim, of Raising Simple, began taking small steps toward a more minimalist lifestyle, it was her kitchen that was her motivator. How could she function when there was so much stuff, food stuff to use and not waste, but also stuff to fit into cupboards, wash and dry, and generally even remember to use! Why did she even have five wooden spoons when a few would do?

Fast forward to 2023. She's the mom to seven children in a blended family with her partner Matt Paxton. While he had spent nearly his entire career helping hoarders, supporting people who need to clean out their houses and others who were downsizing, he was never a minimalist. He liked his stuff, and the stuff from his dad... Read the full ARTIcles story.

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Salvaging Water Damaged Photos

The following article includes excerpts from a true story shared with Artifcts by a member of the Arti Community and republished here with permission. May their loss help your future.


Imagine yourself in this scenario: Wildfires are approaching your home. You evacuate, taking with you your most cherished possessions, including those incredibly vulnerable photos, videos, books, and family documents. You feel relief when you place them inside a climate-controlled storage unit far outside the fire zone. 

Days later you receive a call from the storage facility. There’s been an accident. Your storage unit has been flooded via a damaged sprinkler system... Read the full ARTIcles story.

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TIME Magazine Wants You to Declutter With Artifcts

Angela Haupt, journalist with TIME magazine, featured Artifcts this week in an online article that united experts in mental health and decluttering to share tools and tactics to "kickstart a realistic decluttering routine." We especially loved this insight from our own strategic advisory board member and popular TV host Matt Paxton:

Many people struggle to declutter because they don’t want to part with items that remind them of someone or something they love, Paxton says. A simple mindset shift can make a big difference: Think of getting rid of stuff as a way of unearthing your family’s history. 

A history you can then easily capture, preserve, and share here at Artifcts. Read the full story on TIME.

You may also be interested in, "15 Years in Storage: Now What?


Letting Go of Sentimental Items

Last fall Chris Stapleton appeared in a Sunday morning interview on NBC with Willie Geist. In a moment of reflection on the “how” of his music making, Chris pointed to a chair he’s used as he’s recorded all of his albums and said, “It’s home.” 

We get sentimental about objects for that “home” feeling among other reasons, making it difficult to let go sometimes. These are the artifacts of our lives! Today, we’re sharing our green-yellow-red light approach to reevaluating your sentimental collections. 

But, Reader, beware! If you are waiting for us... Read the full ARTIcles story.

You may also be interested in, Spring Cleaning: The Clothing Edition.


2024 is now a wrap. We look forward to seeing you back here in January!


Curious for more? Take a look back at the Top 10 ARTIcles of 2023, too.

© 2024 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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