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NEW FEATURE! Not one, not two, but three new features available now. Learn more ->
Exclusive articles, interviews, and insights covering downsizing & decluttering, genealogy, photos and other media, aging well, travel, and more. We’re here to help you capture the big little moments and stories to bring meaning and order to all of life’s collections and memories for generations.
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Trio of New Features | March 2025

Today we’re excited to share a trio of new Artifcts features with you.

Over the course of eight in-person conferences during 2024 and approximately 80 hours of interviews, we discovered ways to fine tune your Artifcting experience to support you even more both during and after you’ve created those Artifcts.

As always, we placed ease-of-use and privacy at the heart of each new feature.

Thank you for being a part of the Artifcts journey. Let’s explore the latest!

Private Notes 

As it turns out, sometimes you want to share your Artifcts with others, but you want to include details in your Artifcts that you’d prefer to keep to yourself. So, what’s one to do? 

Now at Artifcts you have an optional field titled, 'Private notes.' It’s exactly as it sounds. Whatever you type there will not be visible to others if you share the Artifct. The exception of course is if you give someone “Full Control” over your Artifct (versus the default “View” access or other “Edit” access).

This new field is on the “Full form” when you create or edit Artifcts, directly after the “Story or Description,” making it a natural extension of what you have to say about anything you Artifct. 

private notes field on Artifcts

Customizable Reports  

It was professionals in appraising and estate management who first approached us about downloading customized reports on Artifcts. Later, this request was seconded by professional home organizers and move managers. Finally, individuals, several of whom were working on their wills, asked for the same. 

Now you can create custom reports, no matter your “why.” When you click 'Download,' you’ll be prompted to select the fields and related files you want to download, too, ensuring you can download only the information you need, when you need it.

As shown below, we’ve simplified matters by choosing the Artifct title and description by default, offering a "Select all" option, and reducing your download size by allowing you to exclude photos, videos, and documentation when you do not need them. 

pop up window providing options for which Artists details you want to download

Artifcts Up Next Report 

We consider this saving the best for last: the new Artifcts Up Next report.

The truth of the matter is that at the end of the day, digitizing the stories and financial value by creating Artifcts addresses one set of needs, but you still must deal with the physical stuff in the room, sorting it and often re-homing it, too.

When you Artifct, there’s just one optional field we show you on the 'Quick form' because we think it’s that important. It’s called 'In the future.' As the name suggests, we urge you to consider what’s next for everything you Artifct. Your options are: 

      • Sell. You can even set a custom reminder and Artifcts will email you.  
      • Bequeath. Adding details to whom is optional. 
      • Donate. Here, too, adding details is optional. 
      • Keep in the family. We hope your “Description or story” offers a compelling reason. 
      • As you wish. Meaning, “I won’t haunt you. Don’t keep it in storage for the next 30 years on my account.” 
      • It’s too late. Enjoy the memories. I already got rid of it. Do not go looking for it. 

When you download the new Artifcts Up Next report, it will give you a checklist of all your Artifcts, sorted by the ‘In the Future’ category. You can then work through the list yourself, with family, or with an organizing, estate, or move management professional to get the ‘stuff’ where it needs to go next.

example report showing items to bequeath to loved ones

This is just a snapshot of a sample report, showing the Bequeathed section, guideline, and the type of Artifct information you'd find listed.


We have an open door!

Is there something you wish Artifcts could do or help you with? Is there a feature driving you a bit crazy or confusing you in any way? You can write us a And be sure to catch up on past product updates, too!

button to jump to past product updates with Artifcts


Helpful resources as you get started and continue enjoying Artifcting:

Quick Start Guide

Inspiration Lists

FAQs & Videos on YouTube


© 2025 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Artifcts 2024 Rewind: Our Best New Features From the Year

2024! What can we say. It was a year of rapid innovation, following through on the valuable feedback we’ve collected from the Arti Community – you – and with input from our cross-industry Greenhouse committee, too. We also set the stage for some exciting changes to come at Artifcts in 2025. What’s the expression about it taking years to become an “overnight success?” Bit by bit, we’ll show the world together what it means to adopt the #ArtiLife.

While we could bore you with every little change and improvement of 2024, we’re opting to hit just the highest of the highlights. Here we go!

1. Can you hear me now?

When we launched Artifcts, we offered you the ability to combine photos, videos, and audio in every Artifct you created. Now you can also record video and audio directly in the Artifcts app.

A lot of thought went into this process because the last thing we wanted was a scenario in which you recorded something nearly perfectly or that was a bit too long, and you were left stranded without an option to trim, compress, or save that file and try again. So, we built that all in, too!

Just think, how much do you love hearing your loved one’s voice? Now remember that feeling and consider it the next time you create an Artifct. Voice is magical: the inflections, the word choice, the bloopers.

2. Get sticker happy

Covid really brought QR codes front and center in our daily lives. From the get-go, we built them into Artifcts so you could easily print a QR code for any Artifct you created and attach the QR code to the object, linking the digital story with the physical object.

Fast forward three years and you all were using Artifcts QR codes in such volume that you insisted there had to be a better option than printing, cutting, and sticking them.

And that is how Artifcts QR code stickers were born!

Scan a QR code sticker and Artifcts will ask you, “Do you want to attach this to an existing Artifct or create a new one?” And off you go, linking the digital stories and memories with the 'stuff' in the room! Now you'll easily keep track of the stuff and the memories.

3. But I Need a Book

The reality is, we are tactile creatures. We like the comfort of things in our hands. We were therefore unsurprised that people often asked us about printing their Artifcts to a book.

But we’ve also learned along the way that more than 80% of photo books people start to create are abandoned. And products that price a book into their memberships or annual fees often never get completed. They are time consuming labors of love! So, we took a novel approach.

You focus your energy on creating your Artifcts. Our partner at Akin will design and deliver your book. Simply purchase your book from Akin, privately share the Artifcts you want published, and they’ll design and deliver your book.

And remember those QR codes? Akin will include those in your book so your friends and family can enjoy all the additional photos, video, and audio featured in your Artifcts, too!

4. Get a Little Help from a Pro

Our best intentions aside, sometimes it takes having someone beside us to get stuff done. We’re busy and our attention is divided. No wonder so many baby books go unfinished and so many closets and drawers go unorganized. Who has the time? Who has the skill?

With tremendous input across six industries, we delivered Artifcts for Professionals (ARTIPro) this summer. Now professionals can offer Artifcting services to help you organize the stuff and the memories and get prepared for the future.

Your motivation and needs will vary. Some of you are decluttering and/or downsizing and want to hold onto the memories even as you let go of some of the stuff. Others of you are trying to document and organize collections, both for the joy of the collection and maybe for insurance and estate planning purposes, too. Still others are taking the next step after organizing their vast photos collections to now Artifct the stories behind key photos - photos can’t talk after all!

Whatever your goal, ARTIPros can Artifct for and with you and securely transfer your Artifcts to you for ongoing private access when your time together is complete. Ask proefssionals you hire if they are an ARTIPro. None (yet) in your area? You can also purchase a virtual or in-person Artifcts concierge service. Learn more!


Thank you all for coming along with us on this wild journey that is a startup. We look forward to more of it together in 2025. We have so much in store!

P.S. If you’ve made it this far, here’s a little reward: Message us at, and we’ll send the first 10 readers a packet of Artifcts QR code stickers. Happy Artifcting! 🎁

P.S.S. You can always look back on these and other features we released and shared over on ARTIcles by Artifcts. Read on! 


© 2024 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Artifcts® Platform Now Supports Publishing to Custom-Designed Books with Partner Akin

Whether you think about photo books as unique and personalized gifts and keepsakes or dream of publishing a life memoir, we love our books! Today Artifcts announced a new partnership with Akin ( to offer simple, custom designed books to Arti Community members who wish to publish their Artifcts to books. 

You need only look at the explosive growth of photo book companies to support everything from build-your-own to instant print from Instagram or your phone to know how much we love to have and to hold books.

Together, Artifcts and Akin have made it simple and affordable to publish a custom-designed, premium quality, personalized book of your Artifcts, an a beautiful and meaningful keepsake for you alone or to share with your friends and family.

“Not everyone enjoys spending hours combing through photos, uploading them into software, stressing over layouts, colors, and font choices,” commented Artifcts Co-founder Ellen Goodwin. “Our partnership with Akin means you can simply choose the Artifcts you want to publish, share them privately with Akin, and they’ll lay out the book in the template of your choice and ship it off to you! The whole process for our members takes minutes!” 

Artifcts excels in innovation that places the needs of its Arti Community members first. People expect to share their stories with meaningful context that includes photos, audio, and video. Artifcts has ensured this promise translates to printed books, too. Unlike a standard photo book, for every Artifct you publish, you can include a QR code that allows the viewer to scan and access additional photos and video tied to the story. Your book can come alive. 

“We don’t want our members to worry about the book creation process. We want people to enjoy spending time reliving their stories, and recording what they value most,” said Artifcts Co-founder Heather Nickerson. 

For more information, visit Concierge & Other Professional Services or review the FAQs available at 


© 2024 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

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Use Your Voice: Artifcts Now Offers In-App Audio & Video Recording

There’s something magical about hearing a story from the voice of the original storyteller. The melody of their voice, their points of emphasis, the word choices that are uniquely them.

While you might be the type who has lots of videos and voice memos on your phone at the ready to Artifct, others of us might be more of the spontaneous variety. 

Our newest update to the Artifcts app is going to support you as you capture these stories. 

Update the Artifcts App Today: Record Audio and Video Directly in the App! 

Next time you open the Artifcts app, you’ll see an update is required. Accept it, wait moments, and voila, you’ll have our brand new recording feature. (Haven’t downloaded our app yet? Eek! Here you go for iOS/App Store and Android/Google Play.) 

When you click to create a new Artifct—or add a new media file to an existing Artifct—you will be able to choose to record audio or video in the moment.  

And we went a step further, too, to remove any frustration by making it simple to: 

  • Trim your recording to fit the file size available for your Artifct.
  • Compress your recording if you want to make room for longer recordings.
  • Strip out the video to keep the audio only.
  • Download your recording to your device to edit later.

Here’s a case when “a picture is worth 1,000 words.” In the pictures that follow, we show you what it looks like step by step to record a video within the Artifcts app when you are creating a new Artifct.

Step 1 - Open the Artifcts App

Step 2 - Choose '+ Artifcts', Artifcts App

Step 3 - Record and Save, Artifcts App

Step 4 - Enjoy & Share, Artifcts App

Try it out and see what you think! 

Next time you’re inspired, or a friend or family starts telling a great tall tale, grab your phone, open up the app and record.

Don’t worry if your story runs long. You will have an option to trim it, compress it, or save it to your device in its entirety before trimming the best part to include in the Artifct. You can always link later in your Artifct to the full hour-long saga if you wish for posterity!

Need inspiration? The options are endless. Here are a few from the Arti Community: 

      • Ghost stories: Grandpa telling a ghost story + photo of the person who was a ghost.
      • Attic cleanout: Auntie Tess holding up an old gown + recording of her talking about her Broadway debut (Broadway Street in Kansas City, Missouri, that is).
      • Get cookin’! Photos of the recipe card, key ingredients, and end result + video explaining how to wrap the dumpling just so.

Great Great Grandma's Wedding Ring, Artifcts

Bonus example: Our co-founder @egoody captured some family history in a sitdown with her great aunt. Whose ring was it originally anyway?

As always with all of the features of Artifcts, but especially major new deliveries like this one, we love and appreciate your feedback. You can contact us at


© 2024 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Get Stickered: Introducing Artifcts QR Code Stickers

Our new QR code stickers make fast work of sorting through and organizing all that ‘stuff.’ Once you purchase a set, you can grab your Artifcts sticker sheets, get cozy in that attic, den, basement, or maybe even family member’s home, and start Artifcting and stickering, zero interruptions to search out a printer. Before you know it, you’ll have added valuable stories to your Artifcts collection and instantly and meaningfully organized all those items. 

"Our mission at Artifcts is to help you connect the stories of life with the objects that you’ve collected, accumulated, and inherited. Now with Artifcts QR stickers we’ve made it that much simpler to keep track of your ‘stuff’ and your memories, too," said co-founder and CEO Heather Nickerson.

Don't believe us? Hear from someone who's helped 10s of 1,000s of people to get through it all while trying to preserve those memories.

Matt Paxton loves Artifcts QR codes

All Artifcts QR code stickers are weatherproof, and we include 1 inch and 1.5 inch circles in each bundle. You can use them from our mobile app or desktop, both are ready and waiting to support you.

      • From your browser, look for QR code scanning feature on desktop in the top panel in the plus (+) menu.
      • On mobile, simply open your camera and scan to start. Either way, we'll walk you through the steps and have FAQs ready and waiting based on thoughtful testing by a sample of Arti Community members.

menu on Artifcts with Artifcts QR codes highlighted in yellow

Access from any web browser (Chrome, Safari, ...) and go to the plus (+) menu to scan your QR code sticker.

Give It a Try Today!

Learn more and click to buy the sticker bundles today on And please let us know what you think!  You can add reviews on Amazon and write to use directly at


Helpful resources as you get started and continue enjoying Artifcting:

Past Artifcts Product Updates

Artifcts Quick Start Guide

Artifcts Inspiration Checklists


© 2024 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Latest Feature: Timelines Have Arrived at Artifcts

Dr. Seuss did say, “Oh, the places you’ll go!” And now at Artifcts we’ll help bring light to your life’s journey with a timeline view of your Artifcts collection. You may even discover you forgot to Artifct items related to whole periods of your life. College? What college? 

Many applications, from Google Photos to specialized genealogy software to Facebook, offer timelines, but they often are rigid in terms of editing and lose the context that Artifcts offer when they simply place photos, for example, in sequential order or display SOME information while leaving other (documents, photos, ...) in separate, disconnected galleries. We view the Artifcts timeline as the ultimate way to future proof your history by revealing gaps in the life moments you've captured.

A Peek Inside the Making of Timelines, with the Artifcts Greenhouse

Last month we launched the Artifcts Greenhouse. A greenhouse is a protected place where things grow, experimental hybrids go from dream to reality, and more. That’s Artifcts – growing, experimenting, creating something new. Artifcts Greenhouse members help to shape the newest features coming to the Arti Community over the next year to bring you more fun and more value.
Artifcts Greenhouse image
This intimate group of Arti Community members has expertise and interests spanning downsizing and decluttering, insurance and estate planning, genealogy, parenting, photo organizing, and more. Each member tested the timelines independently and joined a group discussion about the pros and cons of timelines. The reaction was ... well, judge for yourself, with this screenshot of some highly ENTHUSIASTIC  feedback with our survey:

Give Timelines a Try

You will find your timeline by visiting your homepage and choosing "My Artifcts." You'll see the timeline option marked with a yellow "New!" We know that if you are new to Artifcts and only have a few of your own, your timeline will be a bit sparse. You can always check out the public Artifcts in our founders' timelines for inspiration - @Heather and @Ellen have shared many Artifcts over the past two years.

Small preview of an Artifcts timeline

As you explore this new feature we hope you'll enjoy the built in features that go with it to provide you valuable ways to put your timeline to work for you:

      • Annual and decade views
      • Newest-to-oldest, oldest-to-newest
      • Drag to reassign an Artifct to a different year
      • Add time period notes

We have great FAQs based on our Greenhouse testing and a quick video ready for you as well.

Timeline view is for now, only on desktop at It will be evolve further in the months to come. We’d love your feedback at on timelines and on past features and improvements we've introduced.

Happy Artifcting!


© 2023 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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