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NEW FEATURE! Not one, not two, but three new features available now. Learn more ->
Exclusive articles, interviews, and insights covering downsizing & decluttering, genealogy, photos and other media, aging well, travel, and more. We’re here to help you capture the big little moments and stories to bring meaning and order to all of life’s collections and memories for generations.
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Latest Features and Improvements | June 2022

In our March product update, we asked you all for feedback. Every conversation and every email since has been all about what you love most and what leaves you wanting more as you learn your way around Artifcts. Today we're delighted to announce two new *beta* features direct from the Arti Community available to you on

More photo options? More friends? We've got you covered!


We hear you. Chaos in the digital age afflicts us all. Our clients consistently have to remember whether a video or photo they are looking for is somewhere in that great big "cloud," in one of numerous personal email accounts, on a desktop hard drive or removable backup, or somewhere else altogether. And if you're over a certain age, maybe you have CDs, floppies, or hardcopies yet to be digitized, too. Chaos, truly. 

Today we're moving another step forward to helping you Artifct despite the chaos. New to, you may now add files from sources other than the device you're working on, including: Google Drive, Box, OneDrive, and Dropbox. This means less need to email, airdrop, or otherwise transfer files from place to place as you create your Artifcts. Just choose the file source and follow the prompts.

Create a new Artifct —> 

drag and drop or choose Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, or Box

Create an Artifct and try this new feature!


We also know clients feel frustrated when they have to dig for an email address or remember an Artifcts screen name to share an Artifct with someone. We're testing a second new feature that allows you to create a network to simplify sharing, searching, and inviting others to Artifct with you. You can add existing contacts from Gmail in a single click, add individuals one-by-one with name and email, or upload a CSV file that includes your contacts. Not sure what a CSV is or how to get your contacts into a CSV file? We have FAQs to help!

Create an Artifcts network with custom, Gmail, or CSV contacts

Build your network. Sign in and visit Account Settings > Content & Network.

Once you have added contacts to your network, you can click to 'Invite' them to join Artifcts for free. You can also follow them once they have joined Artifcts. 

Expand your Artifcts network —> 


And again, we're an email away at if you'd like to share feedback as you give these features a test drive or as you dream of new blue sky features you'd enjoy as you make yourself at home at Artifcts.

Happy Artifcting!


© 2022 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Latest Features and Improvements | March 2022

We’ve got great updates for you!

As we continue to welcome new people to the Arti Community, we’ve received valuable feedback about how you’re using Artifcts in your day-to-day lives and what new features and refinements would help you as you Artifct. We’re excited to share with you a few of the latest updates to your Artifcts experience. 

Options to personalize Artifcts 

Bubbling to the top of recent requests from the Arti Community was the option to add a background image to your personal Artifcts galleries. Some members also wanted to easily share these galleries and some “About me” information. 

Done! Now when you visit My Artifcts you’ll see a pencil icon indicating you can personalize the space. You will be seamlessly redirected to your Account Settings to add a banner and “About me” text. 

In addition, you’ll notice a new icon to access your personal QR code that when scanned leads people to your Artifcts gallery. Add it to a business card, social media profile, certificate of authenticity on your creations, and more! 

To learn more about getting started, visit our FAQs.   

Artifcts gallery page personalized with banner and text

Search got an upgrade 

Our new search engine will return even better, more relevant results. You can even now search according to screen names, e.g. searching @heather or @egoody will show you what our founders have Artifcted lately. 

Bonus! When you’re signed in, you’ll see your recent searches and viewed Artifcts directly in the search bar at the top of the website. 

And remember, on any Artifct, click a tag or category to immediately view other Artifcts according to that theme. 

Test it out with this search for #LeaveNoTrace Artifcts that honor our natural national treasures. 

New drop down menu from search field featuring recent searches and viewed Artifcts

New sharing options 

You can now share and manage access to each of your Artifcts directly from the privacy icon displayed on each Artifct. No need to go in and edit your Artifct. 

Want to share an Artifct to social media? You can also now easily toggle the Artifct to Public from the sharing pop up and continue to share as you please! 

For simplicity, you can always grant ‘View’ access to your Artifcts automatically from your Account Settings > Security & Longevity tab. This feature now applies automatically to all of your Artifcts, but you can opt out as you add new people to only give them access to future Artifcts, if you prefer. 

Try sharing one of your Artifcts privately or publicly. Or visit your Account Settings to give someone ‘View’ access to your Artifcts collection automatically! (You can always change your mind!)


Reorder your files to flow with your story 

Make it easier on yourself and others to view the photos, videos, and audio files that go along with your Artifct description or story. Simply click and drag to reorder them as you please!  

Your cover photo does not need to be first. We usually choose a cover photo that’s most beautiful or compelling! 

Try now by editing an Artifct in your collection! Sign in on Artifcts. Or create a new Artifct. 

We'd love your feedback, always. You can contact us at

Happy Artifcting!


© 2022 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Audio and Video Have Arrived!
We promised we’d “redefine” artifacts with you all because at the end of the day we know that artifacts are truly something, anything meaningful to you. If you want to get technical, here’s how we have redefined artifacts into something of still greater value, an Artifct:
Artifct (noun) /ˈɑː(r)tɪˌfækt/ : something of personal, local, or global relevance as captured by description, category, country of origin, photos, documentation, and audio and/or video media.
Yes! You read that correctly. Artifcts is breaking through the chaos of folders, share drives, and a dizzying collection of subscriptions and services to help you connect the dots and marry the meaning behind the objects in your life with the images, documents, and now also audio and video that bring them to life!
At the CIA Heather and I were “all-source analysts” taking in any and all forms of information to get to the heart of a matter. Artifcts are no different. Grab that photo, memory, and video snippet and preserve something unique, something you can pass down to future generations or simply share with a friend to get a laugh, reminisce, or, dare I say it, know each other a little better than that snapshot of your latest pretty dinner plate allows.
Want to see our new audio-video feature in action? Click to check out any of the Artifcts featured below. And then create one for yourself here from or our app (for  iOS or Android).
Violet's Whistling Coqui Frog from Puerto Rico     Grandma's Daily Biscuits     Sonata Pathetique sheet music
To borrow the rhythm of Shel Silverstein's The Twistable, Turnable Man—at least how Artifcts co-founder Ellen Goodwin reads it—go create those editable, shareable, totally-desirable, exportable, valuable Artifcts of you! 
Happy Artifcting! 
© 2021 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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