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Exclusive articles, interviews, and insights covering downsizing & decluttering, genealogy, photos and other media, aging well, travel, and more. We’re here to help you capture the big little moments and stories to bring meaning and even order to all of life’s collections for generations.
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Rescue Mission: That's More Than a Photo! Artifct That.

I'm a gregarious person by nature. So, when I'd visit home during undergrad and chatter away about economics and business, it was somewhat disappointing to be met with polite disinterest. My siblings went to a private art school. Surprise, surprise, their stories, supported with paintings, sketches, and designs, were far more captivating.

I imagine historians and genealogists must suffer a similar reception as they try to get others excited about newly discovered ship passenger manifests or wedding announcements from obscure 19th century newspapers. Black and white details with no life behind them, no immediate relevance to embrace. 

Recently, however, I've come to appreciate how even seemingly random photos can provide the spark connecting us to each other, to histories, to futures unknown, if given the opportunity. The ice hiker shown above? Photos can't talk. He might be a lost cause. A researcher could find an explorers club to assist, trace the clothing, authenticate the age of the paper, maybe.

We've had more luck with personal photos and histories of late at Artifcts. In fact, if you've read Our Story, you've seen a black and white photo of woman who in some ways is the silent third founder of Artifcts.


Artifcts co-founder Heather Nickerson's mother


The photo grabs you. Who is she? What (or who) is she looking at that is making her smile? Who took the picture? When was this picture taken and where? Truth is, her end-of-life was the inspiration for Artifcts and our efforts to remove so much of the potential burden from our loved ones who are left to parse through our belongings after we're gone. Instead, through Artifcts you can pass along memories, heritage, and legacy, and not just 'stuff.' Not a mere photograph, but a history. You can read about that very photo's history here.

When you can, you should just ASK!

Here's a second photo that captures my interest in the same way, sparking the same questions. And, I wonder: If someone sold a framed photo like this through an estate sale, consignment shop, or flea market, would it captivate a curious, anonymous buyer? It could just as easily fit into the decor of a modern home as one with a farmhouse chic decor or even a cozier older style. 

Co-founder Ellen Goodwin's mother


I found this framed portrait buried in an unused bedroom at my parents' home. My mom was instantly recognizable to me, but I could not guess her age or anything else about the photograph. I had to ask her, because, again, photos can't talk! Turns out, one of her older brothers was dabbling in photography and asked her to sit for a portrait. Now I'm plotting a rescue mission from the obscurity of that bedroom in Wisconsin to my home in Texas where I can enjoy this unique glimpse of my mom in her youth.

I bet you have photos like these in your own family, many probably with as yet undecided fates. Yes, museums, artists, and others sometimes buy them in bulk. But we're eager to help you all to capture that history before it slips away.

Artifct a few choice photosyour favorites, the most outrageous, or maybe the ones that make you go, "Hmmm." You can easily share your Artifcts with friends and family to meaningfully connect and reconnect over (nearly!) lost pasts and new stories shared for more "I never knew that about you!" moments now and into the future.


If you are interested in photo and/or video digitization services, maybe our Partners can help! Learn more here.


© 2022 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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5 Ways to Start Artifcting

Every conversation we have with someone who is just getting started with Artifcts tends to go the same way. In our enthusiasm to share what we’ve built at Artifcts, we talk about the cool, sentimental, and historic Artifcts we’ve already seen. While we emphasize the “why” to Artifct, we get a lot of “how to” questions.

So, just how do regular people get started? Today we're presenting five strategies others in the Arti Community are using. Got another one to share? Tell us at or post a short video to social media to inspire others! 

Artifct That! 5 Strategies to Get Started 


If you find yourself thinking you just never have time, snap pictures of objects to Artifct (up to 5 per item!) so that when you're waiting at the doctor's office, killing time before that sporting event starts, or relaxing in front of the TV, you can reminisce and Artifct from the mobile app or your tablet using the photos you’ve accumulated. 

#2  SET A GOAL. 

Many of us know we have a lot of stuff and recognize there's a lot of history there to preserve and share. Maybe it feels daunting. Pick up the Artifcting habit by simply setting goals for yourself. It's more fun than working in five servings of vegetables every day, we promise. Maybe you'll create two new Artifcts per week, maybe 20. Do what works for you! Keep a list throughout the week so you don’t forget what you want to Artifct. 

List of stuff to Artifct


Stand in your kitchen and take a look around, open the cupboards and the drawers, check out what's hanging out on the backsplash. Anything of meaning there? Special glasses, a custom cutting board, a cookbook with a favorite recipe? Repeat next time from the closet, garage, living room bookshelf, or other favorite stash location.


One of our first Arti Community members shared this trick. She's highly visual. So, she puts a small bright yellow sticky note on objects she wants to Artifct so that as her time permits, she remembers to capture the memories behind each item. 

Full disclsoure: She inspired our original How NOT to Artifct video about sticky notes (check it out), but only because before Artifcts, if people relied on notes on objectsnotes that can be lost, faded, or otherwise ruined (unless you're a professional archivist)—little information if any was captured or shared about the objects in our lives.


We have heard from Arti Community members that the gallery and our blog have helped them to choose themes for Artifcting. Super! Go for it. Here's a list and public examples from actual users that could help you.


Travel souvenirs 

Handmade or custom creations 




Knick knacks 


And more...

Pick the Artifcting strategy that works for you and get Artifcting during this long holiday weekend.

Happy Artifcting!


© 2021 Artifcts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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